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It was the land of Cyro, where the great war took place. Many lost their lives, many were taken as slaves. The rich lived lavishly while the poor suffered. The slaves were sold for different purposes, industrial and for comfort. They had no rights, once becoming a slave meant your future generations life would depend upon pleasing the rich.

On one rich mansion lived a beautiful woman. In her late twenties living alone, she needed some slaved. The mansion had everything to live a life full of comfort. The lady dominated her puppets. She was a billionaire, she could do anything and get away with it. There were no laws protecting such pathetic slaves today.

The mansion consisted of the following slaves:
[DOORMATS] - These slaves were placed under the floor with the upper part of their body (face, chest, groin, legs) exposed. They were fed once a day through automated machines under the floor connected to the kitchen. Their food consisted of special medication to help them regenerate their body parts. Every day or twice their health would regenerate to keep them alive so they live a life filled with pain and misery.
Their bodies are badly damaged under the feet of the owner, some loose their eyes, testicles etc, on a daily basis.

[HOUSE MAIDS] - These slaves were usually females. There were 6 house maids each given specific tasks of cleaning, dusting, washing the dishes and so on. These females were generally treated right unless they did something wrong which could cost them their lives.

[COMFORT SLAVES] - These slaves are purely meant for comfort. The owner has 3 of them, one demoted to a doormat. They are treated horribly, their main goal is to do anything for the owner so she can enjoy her life in comfort. This consists of licking/massaging the owners feet or other parts for hours on end and usually the whole night. These slaves get less than 2 hours of sleep a day.

[ABUSE SLAVE] - These are toys for the owner. They are tied to a small room and a fed once a day the medication consisting food to keep them from dying. Their life also consists severe pain and discomfort. They are not allowed to sleep. Whenever the owner has a bad day, she tortures these slaves. Countless beating, hours of trampling, slapping. Some are drowned for fun, their body parts are lit on fire. The all have broken bones, no eyes. Some lost their balls to the owner when she kicked then too hard or pierced them through with her high heels.

[PERSONAL SLAVE] - There is only one personal slave. His name is 1. He is the head of all the slaves and has all authority over then after the owner. He has served her for years, gained her trust to become her right hand man. A personal slave does everything for the owner, like their life depends on it. If the owner wants, she can grant him freedom. 1, is always beside the lady, at her feet always. From morning till night, a loyal faithful dog.

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