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"Life is a chest full of adventures. Courage is the key."

DREAMS are the greatest symbols of true freedom. The manifestation of the most private, most sincere, desires of souls. Born with a pure beauty, but of immeasurable power. It is the effect of rebelling against reality, an opposition to the destiny written in stone. Above all, they represent human determination for a better future.

Ironically, they were also a burden that Rebecca carried in silence.

The expectations of her mother, the standard demanded by her father, the example of her brother. For sixteen years, Rebecca's life had been about achieving the hopes of others. One success resulted in a new requirement and so it continued in a weary cycle. Rebecca didn't complain. Being busy fulfilling the purposes of others distracted her from the emptiness of not having one of her own.

Until Rebecca, for the first time, dreamed. In the scenario created by her subconscious, she came across a cute, blond boy in a cave on the beach. Aether, a character from her favourite game. A great moment to keep in memory, with pleasant weather and company. The only problem, besides the killer slimes, would be that Rebecca wouldn't wake up.

As the days went by, Rebecca's worry increased. Maybe she didn't hear the alarm clock ring, maybe she had underestimated her tiredness and fatigue was weighing down her sleep. Whatever it was, it was beginning to annoy her. She needed to finish her schoolwork and review class content, not waste her time sleeping.

"Hey, Aether." Rebecca called. "Do you think I'll wake up soon?"

Aether tried to lean over to face her, but Rebecca scolded him. He had allowed her to comb his hair to help her relax. To complete the therapy session, they camped at the entrance to the forest, near a waterfall. An hour later and with half the braid finished, she wouldn't let anything ruin her efforts.

"I don't know." Aether said, stroking the top of the head of the red squirrel resting on his lap. They named him Alvin. "In a dream, anything is possible. But you've been here almost a week, Rebecca. You have to face the facts."

"What facts?"

"Don't play dumb."

"You're the dumb one." Rebecca said, rolling her eyes. Aether's light-hearted spirit, always with a sarcastic remark ready, never failed to earn her a good laugh, but not when she was the victim of the situation. "We're not the same, remember? I can't even travel between countries, let alone worlds. It's impossible. For me, at least."

Ignoring the protests of both Rebecca and Alvin, Aether sighed and turned to her. Shy, Rebecca wanted to avoid eye contact, but he held her chin between his thumb and forefinger.

"Am I not real enough for you?" Aether asked, voice as tender as the warmth of the sun that hid amidst the clouds. The calm expression he wore did little to mask the curiosity that he emanated. Innocent and genuine, reminding Rebecca of a puppy.

Being so beautiful should be a crime. It's a deadly assault on my health.

"Yes. Yes. You win, so turn around, please." She asked, pushing him lightly. He smiled and Rebecca raised a hand to her heart to control the rapid heartbeat. Aether either didn't notice or noticed and decided to spare her as he obeyed without rebuttal.

She concentrated on braiding, noisy thoughts struggling to become words.

"Aether." She called out. "Can you take me home?"

In a condo full of gossipy neighbours, with a tear-stained floor and a room shared with ghosts, Rebecca had built a home. Far from the ideal that movies present, but the imperfections only highlighted the qualities. The paintings on the walls held irreplaceable memories. Her mother would be finishing dinner in the kitchen, her father would be arriving after an extra shift at the police station, her brother would be studying in the living room.

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