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"Brown! My back hurts!" Green groaned, stepping out of the bedroom, cracks on the underside of her shell. "It's ok bbg." Brown patted her back, taking off the strap-on, and throwing in underneath the door. "But what if everyone notices my cracks?" Green sounded terrified. "Nobody will notice, they'll heal quickly," Brown sounded sympathetic. "I can't believe you love me even though I have nuts." Brown blushed. "Your nuts never scared me." Green blushed back. A loud scream could be heard at the end of the hall, and a crunch. "What was that?" Green looked startled. "DUCK!" Brown screamed, throwing Green to the ground, a large purple shell flew past them, straight into the wall behind them. "THAT WAS PURPLE!!" Green screamed, looking nauseous. "It's ok. I didn't like her much anyways." Brown shrugged, "Yeah, me neither." Green nodded. A large roar could be heard from the main room of the McMnM Mansion. It was a giant mansion, the living room was the size of an entire Mcdonalds. "HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!!" A loud voice roared. "SANTA!" The two screamed, running into the living room. Red and yellow were in a corner, huddling for shelter. Santa was holding the blue and orange M&M, their eyes popping out of their shells, slowly cracking, "He's gonna kill them!!" Green screamed. CRACK. The MNM was crushed into little smithereens, dookie shit flying everywhere. Then, suddenly, Santa pulled down his pants taking the most massive shit ever, and then he exploded. "NO-" Green roared, before blacking out.

Green woke up, coughing and sputtering. There was rubble all around her, and she could barely see through the dust and ash. What had happened? A hazy memory slowly drifted through her head. Santa, the crushed shells- and the giant, explosive shit. "Brown? BROWN?" She tried to yell, but her voice was nothing but a hoarse whisper. She tumbled over the rumble, the broken mcdonald sigh, and the crushed pieces of glass. What was Mr.Ronald McDiggity Donald gonna think? "G-Green? Is that your voice?" She turned, to her right was a cracked, powdery Red. "RED! Are you okay?" She gasped, pulling him up. "Yeah, just a little dusty." He coughed, brushing himself off. "We have to find the others!" Green cried, her head in her hands. Red patted her shoulder, sighing. "Where will we go after this?" She sobbed. Crunch, Crunch, Crunch. Red looked up, terrified, Green took her hands away from her eyes and turned around, trying to find where the noise was coming from. "...ho...ho..ho..." It was barely a whisper, Green stumbled, backing away. "I thought he left!" she cried, red following her. "Hoe...Hoe.." Green stopped. That sounded like Brown! She ran, hurdling over the pile of rubble, and crashing into Brown's arms. "You're okay!!" Green squealed, twirling her around. Yellow smiled, Red walking towards them. She left Brown's embrace, they all faced each other, a terrified look on each of their faces. "Where will we go now?" Yellow asked in his deep, calm voice. Green looked down, shaking, tears forming in her eyes. "On..On the streets." 

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