Chapter One

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Red groaned, sitting up. The one-person apartment was not meant for four people. He had to sleep in the toilet. The apartment they were staying in was on the rougher side of town, mold grew freely on the walls, and the already damaged yellow wallpaper was beginning to peel. Their old life in the mansion felt like a hazy dream. They were lucky Yellow was good at investing. He sat up from the tub, grime slowly crawling back into it. He got out, bending over and taking out the scrubber. He was too afraid to use the tap water, it was a pale whitish color, and tasted weird. He grabbed his Officially Licensed Dasani Water™ from the cabinet, carefully pouring some drops, and began to scrub. "MMMMM!" Green yawned, she was awake. She burst open the door, stopping abruptly. Red's humongous ass was high in the air. "Erm.." She stopped. Red blushed in embarrassment. "Well..I was going to Spencers." She chuckled nervously. "Really? I'd love to go." He stood up quickly. "Sure! I'll ask Brown if she wants to go." She grabbed her purse and keys, they were lucky the car survived the explosion. He walked out the bathroom door, his bare toes wiggling, the grimy floor feeling like a mushy carpet. "Hey Brown." She smiled, Brown groaned, waking up on the couch. It was old, beat up, and had many loose seams. Somehow there was mold growing on it too. It was a disgusting orange and purple color, as if it was a lost relic from the 80's. "We're going to Spencers, wanna go?" She smiled warmly. Brown sighed, the loss of the mansion hurt her the most. "I don't feel like it..But could you pick up some Panda Express for me?" Green nodded, frowning. "Of course." The destruction of the McDigitty Donald Mansion was flying all over the news, people swarming the streets, trying to find the MnM's gone into hiding. Now that they now longer were protected by the Mansion, they were prone to being swarmed by the public. 

The car engine growled, coming to a halt. "Here we are! The mall!" She smiled. She was wearing a sunhat, shades, and a dress with sunflowers on them. She looked pretty well hidden. Red was wearing skinny jeans, and an emo shirt, along with a greasy wig. His appearance was so alarming moms wouldn't dare look at him. Yellow decided not to go, since he wanted to do housecleaning. Which was a shame. They walked across the parking lot, discarded Mcdonalds cups and made Red think wistfully back to his old life. Green must have seen him staring at the colorful litter, "It's okay Red, we'll get our old life back, I promise."

 Waves of air conditioning rushed over them, making them feel relieved. The chattering crowds were like a soft soothing noise, making the atmosphere almost drowsy-like. The ceiling was large, with glass at the top, the sun's light filtering through. There were benches sitting in the middle of the walkway, leading directly to the food court. "Oh, king~" A voice moaned. The two stopped, their serenity suddenly ceasing. "What the-" Red muttered, disgusted that they were playing in public. Green tapped his shoulder, pointing to the offending couple. It was Burger King and Wendy's. The two stared at each other, then looked back for a minute. The couple must have noticed, King grabbed her waist, and turned towards them. "Is there a problem?" He grunted. "Err..Yeah? This is a public place, idiot." Green snapped, her hands on her hips. "Ugh. I wouldn't expect you two to understand LOVE." Wendy rolled her eyes, checking her sharp, red nails. "Shut the fuck up! Nobody wants to see Burger King getting a boner in public!" Green said back. The couple looked at each other. "Don't ever insult my King!" She hissed viciously, storming off. Burger King quickly followed, putting his hand in her ass pocket. The two quickly hurried through the food court, it was littered with discord mods. "nae waineoga dangsin-eul wonhabnida." A soothing voice said. Red turned, "Is that Jungkook??" He gasped, pointing. Green rolled her eyes. "Of course it is. He posts him and Y/N all over social media." She grabbed his arm, hurriedly walking past the lovers. As they finally reached the end of the greasy labyrinth. The end of the food court was where all the stores began. Directly outside the food court was a GameStop, Monika was outside, holding flyers in her hand and greeting the shoppers. "Not too far now." Green ran, Red getting distracted from the shops. Nike, Build-a-Bear, Hot Topic! Finally, they reached the escalator. The two jumped on, they were almost there!

 "Hmmm..." Green muttered to herself, walking around the shelves in the back. "I really want 12 inches, but that's $60! We shouldn't be spending that much money." Red sat down on one of the trash cans, his skinny jeans were really itchy. "Just get a Rose then.." He grunted taking out his phone. "Hmm..Maybe- OH! This'll do!" She smiled, taking a package down from one of the shelves, and walking over to the employee. "Will this be all?" His voice was high pitched, and he wore an extensive amount of makeup. "Yup." She smiled, "That'll be $20..Sister." Green gasped. "JAMES CHARLES?!" James' eyes went wide, shushing Green. "Shhh! Nobody knows yet.." Green took a deep breath. "But..WHY are you working here?" She said in a stage whisper. James rolled his eyes. "Well, after my Netflix show flopped, I still had some money left. So I changed my name. And a sister vanished," He shrugged. "Turns out Spencers is the perfect place for child predators." Green nodded, taking the bag. "Well uh..Good luck with that I guess." She motioned for Red to follow. He hopped off the trash can, they opened the door, before colliding into something large and squishy. "EW!" The voice screamed. Red looked up, it was Wendy and Burger King again. "What do you want?" He grumbled, adjusting his wig. "We just happened to be passing by, and we saw you two," She smirked. "I'm not surprised. Virgin and a Twink." She laughed. As she was laughing, a large shadow loomed over her. "That'll be enough."

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