Untitled Part 2

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"The Broadcaster I guess- It's nice to meet you."

"You're kidding me: YOU GUESS!?!? What kind of a stupid name is that anyways!?" The Pretender wanted to shake him. Was he just plain stupid or was he intentionally trying to mess with her?

"Well, you said yours was 'The Pretender!' I was simply following suit!" The Broadcaster retorted, rolling his eyes. "If you won't tell me your actual name then I won't either! I don't even know you for god's sake!" He stood from the ground and looked around, analyzing.

With a growl The Pretender shut her mouth, this prince of hers would have to be whipped into shape if he had any chance of making her happy. She supposed that she could just get the Butler to do that for her, but she certainly didn't want him killing her new friend.

"Where are we anyway? I've never seen a place like this before- The City doesn't have carpet this nice." He gazed at the portraits that hung from the walls.

"You're in my castle, my mansion, on my cliffside island! Everything here belongs to me." She spoke with more pride, momentarily forgetting her obsessive anger. Then she paused for a moment, "You came from a city??"

He nodded back absentmindedly.

"Oh my gosh-That's so cool!-what was it like!?"

He didn't respond this time, instead he jumped up onto some shelves and started to climb.

"What do you think you're doing!? Get down from there!!!" The Pretender screeched as she shook the base of the bookcase.

The boy swung from the shelves but didn't drop to the floor. Instead, he continued to climb upwards heading towards the vent.

"NO GET DOWN! YOU ARE NOT GOING IN THERE!" She screeched at the top of her lungs, he, along with his dapper clothing, would get so dusty in there! And besides, only children who wanted to run went inside of the dirty vents. The Broadcaster unfortunately ignored her demand and inched closer and closer to the grate that blocked the entrance. The only thing to stop him was a simple dirty nome that ran out from the very exit he was trying to reach.

He yelped and dropped to the floor right on top of The Pretender. She could only scream as she tried to keep herself away from her precious new toy. He landed right next to her with another thud and a crack. Then he screamed.

How awful the scream was, it wasn't nearly as loud as her own screams, but it shook The Pretender to her core. Now he was injured and in pain! No one could help him either, as she stared in shock tears dripped down her face as he cried out for help.

She backed away as he reached for her, tears streaming down his face as well.

"Th-that's what you get for NOT LISTENING TO ME!!" The Pretender screamed in anguish. Her new toy was ruined. She could only see the silver lining in that this time it wasn't her fault. She had tried so hard to keep this one, so hard to avoid touching him... but it was all for nothing.

In a second attempt, he crawled towards her.

Through the blurriness of her eyes, she could not see until it was too late. A cold hand touched her skin. She screamed yet again and sobbed wildly, only to realize that the hand was still where it was.

She stopped for just a second and wiped her eyes, the boy was looking up at her, clueless to what would've happened. Did it even...? No, it definitely touched her hand, it was even still there.

"Please- it hurts...." The boy whispered still in pain at the cracked bone.

She started to laugh, first in relief then in joy. She touched his hand again and again and then reached for his face; her fingers felt the smooth skin underneath them. A tingling sensation like static passed between them. And then the moment was ruined by the boy whimpering pathetically.

She knew what needed to be done.

Books had been her only friends before the dolls came to play, she knew very little on the topic of broken bones, but she could guess from a few pages with pictures that his arm needed to be kept still.

With a nervousness that rivaled no other she tore through her favorite green dress and tied it tightly over where she thought the break was.

The Broadcaster cried out a few times but allowed her to do so. But it wasn't enough. He still sobbed in pain and that was when she knew she needed more than just a picture book's assistance with the matter.

She called for her Butler with another ear-piercing scream. He came sooner than expected and slammed open the door, then picked up the boy with a rough intensity that The Pretender had seen with so many others.

"NO" She cried out and pointed to the boy. The Butler looked confused as always.

"Sir- I don't mean to bother you- I just AGH- b-broke my arm and I think-"

"WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!?!?" He had definitely lost his mind.

The Butler looked him over a few times and noticed the green fabric tied tight around his arm. Monstrous grumbles came from him and he looked to The Pretender.

"I'm trying to explain to your Butler that I'm not a threat! What does it look like I'm doing!?!" He screamed again and The Butler's hold on him seemed to tighten as he turned his gaze back to the boy. The Broadcaster cried out in pain as his arm was crushed under the telekinetic weight.

The Pretender prepared to scream once again, trying to make it her loudest and most horrible yet, but it didn't seem to matter. The Butler set the boy down nicely on his back and turned to the door, closing it gently.

He turned back to the confused pair and yet again brought up The Broadcaster to his level. Then with delicate movements that The Pretender had only seen done to her, he pushed the boy, struggling, back into the tv that he came out of.

"NO!!!" The Pretender screamed as she ran to the television set.

The Butler turned the TV's off. Severing their connection entirely.

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