Traumatized Characters

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Mature Themes
Mentions of Abuse, Abusive Characters, Traumatic Childhoods, S*icide, Self harm


1. What made your character traumatized? what was their trauma like?

Ok so, Trauma can come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. Most of you probably know what i'm talking about, but just in case you don't. Lets take 15 for example. She was unaware that she was clone of terrance's REAL daughter and a celebrity, She found out, Terrance psychically, emotionally, and sexually abused her, She grew up in a Labatory causing her to be unaware of how humanity works, The only person she can speak to was Terrance, and found out her own father doesnt even care for her.

THATS a type of trauma.  But it isn't the only trauma. Lets say your character was abused at a very young age, or they suffered from a toxic relationship multiple times, or maybe they were tooken captive and were sexually harrassed many many times while growing up.  There are ENDLESS possibilities of the types of trauma.

2. Trauma IS NOT just being upset. its much worse.

Some people think trauma is just being a little sad over something. but its much much more worse then that. and a big difference! being sad and upset over something is limited. it doesnt last long. and it doesnt leave a mark. Trauma on the other hand, is much more worse then being sad.  it leaves a everlasting mark on the character. The Character's trauma should make them upset about the traumatic event much longer then being sad over something normal. Their trauma might get in the way of their daily lives, it might cause them to lose interest in things they used to love.

3. Give them something to relieve stress [ex. Fidgeting with hair, nail biting, etc]

Stress is a common part of trauma. but if your character's been living with trauma for a while, they might have developed coping mechanism for stress. like if they feel overwhelmed they might bite their fingernails or fidget with their hair or something else.

15 For example, plays video games with Her sister, Camlia to relieve stress.

Give your character something to cope with their stress. remember, Endless possiblities!

4. Disorders

Oh boy here we go. Ok first for the disorders, make the disorder related to the trauma. Like- If your character was abused in any way, they might have PTSD. Common disorders caused by trauma, Are Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, DTD. Make it make sense though! Like- How ya gonna give your character schizophrenic when they experienced nothing paranormal in their lives? exactly. 2nd for the disorders, DO. RESEARCH. Visit sites for the disorders, Ask a person who actually had or still have that type of disorder's experience with it! what was it like? or maybe reflect it on your own [if you have one] and reflect the characters experience it on your own experience with the disorder.

For example, 15 Has anxiety and PTSD.

5. Research

Yeah... do research about the specfic trauma your character has. thats a good idea don't you think?

6. Most characters won't talk about their trauma

7. if they do somehow manage to talk about it, it doesnt erase it. though, talking to someone helps.

8. Please make it a round character..please.

Yeah dont make your character just be flat. like- dont make their ONLY purpose to be traumatized and tortured. make them a whole person.

here is a good video on how to make round characters

yup. all i have for nowww so bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2023 ⏰

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