Afternoon drives

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A memory is like a star
Or a grass stain
Sad birds still sing
Don't give up because someone still cares
Is love even real?
Quivering at the thought of our dying flame
We can see threw each other
Bleeding at the seams
The world ending
It's ended many times for me and begins again in the morning
The most bitter taste
Just a hint of life
Your eyes are in the reflection of the River water.
Tears ready to slide down your cheek
I hope tomorrow is different from today.
It is so exhausting always missing the thought of you.
Darling even tho you suffer deeply the happiest people hide inside of themselves.
Why do you cringe when you look at yourself in the mirror
I can't believe you don't see the stardust in your beautiful brown eyes.
Songbirds flap around in their cage
I want to free them
And show what I see in you.
I know it will only take you 7 minutes to run a mile and 7 seconds to run away from your problems.
Your mind is a battleground
Fear, anger, sadness
But bound in love in iron chains
Everyone is born to be weak and that's ok
You are gorgeous inside and out
With mess hair
And sweaty half dead smile
I know easy said than done
Love your flaws
Without any metaphors.

The poetry of a sad museWhere stories live. Discover now