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In the bed room

Tae = sooyaa..??

Jisoo = hmm.?

It was a minute silent when

Tae = ntg let's sleep

Jisoo = u sure there's ntg

Tae= yeah

They both got on the bed and Tae cuddled with jisoo

Jisoo = Taehyung

Tae= hmm

Jisoo = I have a question

Tae= what..?

Tae looked at jisoo who was already looking at him

Jisoo = when I talked to Lisa she told me smtg which is bothering me

Tae = what...

Jisoo = uhh like she told me smtg about your job like it's dangerous

Tae kept quite as jisoo spoke further

Jisoo = so u have a dangerous job...?.

Tae = uh....h no jisoo there ntg like that

Jisoo = no then why did she say it's dangerous Tae are u hiding smtg from me

Jisoo sounded worried and tense

Tae = no no darling I think she said it cuz we are famous ceo's so we have many rival companies

Jisoo = oh.....u are not lying right......?

Tae = no darling I am not now sleep ok

Jisoo = hmm goodnight

Tae = good night

Skip time tomorrow morning

Jisoo woke up as usually early morning and got ready

She went down and cooked smtg for breakfast When suddenly she heard a voice

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She went down and cooked smtg for breakfast
When suddenly she heard a voice

Mom = jisoo we are going out don't cook for us

Jisoo = ok mom dad

Then they both went out
While jisoo finished her cooking when another voice mixed with a crying voice

Kook = jisoo

Jisoo = oh Junkook u need smtg and why is Jay crying

Kook = no and idk why he is crying he was crying the whole night waking Lisa but now he started crying again but I don't wanna disturb Lisa so

Jisoo = but i think he is hungry

Kook= no he just drank milk just a half hours before so can u help to calm him down

Jisoo = oh let me carry him and can u off the gas after 2-3 minutes

Kook = yeah

He gave the baby the jisoo while she carried him and swing him around

After a few minutes he stopped crying and tries holding jisoo's open hairs

Kook = wow not a dad's boy

Jisoo = hehe

While jisoo was playing with the baby Taehyung came down and went to the kitchen towards Junkook with half opened eyes and backhugged kook thinking him as jisoo

Kook screamed and tae's eyes went wide

Kook , Tae = you.....!?

Tae = kook why are u cooking

Kook = jisoo is with Jay so I am just here to off the stoke but why did u hug me like that eww

Hearing all the voices jisoo came with Jay

Jisoo = what happened guys

Kook ran behind jisoo

Kook = jisoo your husband is very bad eww so disgusting

Jisoo = huh...why what happened.......Tae....?

She looked towards both of them confused

Tae = n..ntg

Kook = no he suddenly came and backhugged me which was so weird eww hyung u are so bad

Tae = yahhh kook I thought jisoo was in the kitchen and she is always here I thought today too

Jisoo = tae Jungkook is wearing a shirt while I am in a saree can't u identify that

Tae = w..what I was sleepy ok

Kook = even if u are sleepy u should be able to identify your wife hyung that's very bad

Kook spoke adding some spices

Jisoo = really Tae

Tae = j..jisoo this man is very cunning he is plotting smtg in his freaking mind i am saying u

Jisoo = ohh really why does it seems u are the cunning man here huh don't blame it on him

Tae = yahh I am your husband

Tae shouted waking the baby from his sleep and making him cry
Jisoo glared at him and went out with the baby

While jungkook giggled

And Taehyung glared at him and took out a knife

Kook = h..hyung sorry

Tae = oh ho now sorry huh you cunning man

He ran behind kook while kook ran towrads jisoo to save himself

But both of them returned after being scolded by jisoo for walking Jay again

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