Amusement park

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Reo's pov:
I'm so excited for today since me and Nagi are going to an amusement park together. I started counting the minutes on the clock to pass the time faster and before I knew it, the bell rang. Class was finally over and I could go meet up with Nagi.
"Hey, how are you?"I asked joyfully.
"Hello! I'm okay I guess, just sleepy."
"I hope you didn't forget about today! Let's go to the fair!!"
"Yeah, let's go!"
And so we began walking towards the park. We shared a few words during our walk but mostly enjoyed the silence and the peaceful atmosphere. Once we arrived I excitedly grabbed Nagi's hand and dragged him along with me to the register. We asked got two tickets and then entered.
The place was huge and full of amazing things.

We decided to go on all the rides and so we began. The first one was a spinning teacup ride like the ones from DisneyLand. We got in and quickly regretted our action because when we got down we were very dizzy.

The next ride was a huge rollercoaster. We got in and were nervously waiting for it to start.
"Nagi, I'm so scared!" I said terrified.
"Don't worry, it's going to be fine! We're here to have fun!" He said reassuringly as he placed his hand on top of mine.
I smiled and tried to shake away the fear. Just as I thought I was getting calmer, the ride started, taking me by surprise. We were slowly going up, where we were going to then drop down. I was very scared and Nagi was quick to notice, so just before that, he hugged me tightly.
We both freaked out after the big drop and loops, but Nagi didn't let go of me until the end of the ride. His presence made me feel safer so I thanked him.
"Thank you for holding me, I was really scared...!"
"Yeah, it was nothing really, don't worry about it."

Nagi's pov:
After that crazy ride we decided to take a quick break and go see what the shops were selling. That's when we noticed a game. We thought it was interesting so we decided to check it out.
"Excuse me, what are the rules to this game?" Reo asked the owner of the place.
"It's simple! Score a ball in the hoop and you get to choose a prize. "
I then looked at Reo and asked him what he wanted. He was a little bit surprised and his cheeks were red but he told me he did in fact want a prize. He wanted a big pink teddy bear so I decided to get it for him. I paid and then took the basketball in my hands. I was never a basketball type of person but it wasn't that hard for me to score. As expected, I managed to get the prize. I handed it to Reo, and he smiled just like a little child. He then started laughing and hugged me.
"Thank you! I can't believe you actually did that!"
"It was actually pretty fun, and the fact that I got you something made it even better."I admitted shyly.

After we went on a few more rides we saw the sun beginning to set so we decided going on only one more ride before heading home. We saw the big ferris wheel and decided it was the perfect final ride. We got in and started talking about the day.
"So what was your favorite ride?" I asked.
"I'd have to say the slingshot was my favourite! It was amazing!"
"In my opinion that first really big rollercoaster was the best! It gave me chills down my spine."
We then noticed we were at the top of the wheel. I was looking at the beautiful sky, at all the colors of the sunset melting away.

I was lost in the picture of the sunset but I was suddenly brought back to reality when I felt a hand on my cheek . I turned to look at Reo and i was suddenly met by his lips on top of mine. I was surprised at first but then I closed my eyes and kissed back as I put my hands on his waist. That kiss felt magical and I loved everything about it. Reo slowly pulled away and then proceeded to tell me something.
"Nagi, I really like you! I think today was really fun and I thank you for coming here with me today! I understand that maybe you don't feel the same as I do for you but I had to tell you what I have been feeling for awhile ." He said in one breath.
My eyes widened and then I smiled gently.
"Of course I like you too! Actually no,...I love you! You're my one and only, Reo!" I admitted.
We then shared another quick kiss before getting off the ferris wheel.
"Does this mean that we are dating?" He asked me.
"Yes it does." I said as I grabbed his hand.

I really like how this one-shot turned out omg💁‍♀️

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