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"Ms.Harris why you crying? Children are a blessing" the doctor asked in a confused tone.

"I know but damm" Riley lowered her head bringing the tissue to her eyes and sniffling.

"So my baby ain't have a big head foreal? It was two of them?" She added crying even more.

"Yes the person who done your initial scan rushed it Riley" The doctor informed whilst wiping the gel of the woman's stomach.

"I'm scared how am I supposed to manage" Riley sat up looking at the sonographer.

"Riley you've got a lot of good people and support around you'll be fine" The woman assured looking at Riley with a smile.

"But twins! Ion know if I can do it" Riley used both her hands to wipe away her teary eyes.

When Riley initially arrived at her appointment  the doctor asked her to state any changes her body has experienced, her doctor decided to run more general checks upon doing checks it was discovered that Riley is indeed having twins! a boy and a girl.

Once the appointment came to an end Riley thanked the doctor before exiting the hospital room, the woman waddled slowly back to her vehicle with tears still in her eyes realisation was starting to finally hit the woman.

She unlocked her car and slowly got in locking the doors immediately, the woman grabbed her phone from her purse and immediately dialled her father's number.

"What's the word daughta" he voice echoed.

"It's twins dad" She let out uncontrollably crying and the thought.

"When I told you kill em off I was wrong" he mumbled causing Riley to scream through her mic in anger.

"Riley Sarai calm down! You stressing out them babies" her father warned.

"Why you can't be serious dad? What am i gonna do? I can't manage twins!" She let out lowering her head into the steering wheel and crying uncontrollably.

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