The Arrival

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Rosemary had followed Professor Fig through the doors of Hogwarts into a small room just outside what he had called the Great Hall. Standing and waiting for them was her guardian, her mother's cousin, and the current Hogwarts Headmaster, Professor Phineas Black. He looked at Fig with a sneer, clearly irritated by their late arrival.

He did not seem to care too much why they were late, dismissing Professor Fig almost immediately. Fig promised Rosemary they would talk again soon and she tried her best to swallow the panic rising in her throat at being separated from him again given all that had befallen them that day.

It was a process she was familiar with. Mentally packing away her troubled thoughts and reining in any "undesirable" emotions.

As Professor Fig scurried away, Professor Blacked then turned to her, a frown upon his face.

"I should not have to remind you that I do not dole out special treatment to students, even those of blood relations."

Rosemary dipped her head politely and answered sweetly, "I understand, sir."

Uncle Phineas nodded stiffly, launching into his lecture.

"I have agreed to assist my dear Aquila in ensuring her daughter will be ready to make her societal debut following the end of term this year. After the failings of your father and grandfather to secure you a match, it was only right that I, as the head of the Black family, step in to ensure our name is not tarnished in the way the Fleetwood name has been. The one thing that is asked of you is to remember that while you do not carry the name, your actions are a direct reflection of the values of the noble and most ancient house of Black. Your cousins Sirius and Phineas are prime examples of how to properly behave. You would do well to follow in their footsteps.."

She reached up to twirl a piece of her curly brown hair around her finger. A habit she developed to distract herself during conversations she didn't really want to partake in. While Rosemary had now heard this same speech multiple times over the summer, the sting of his insults towards her paternal family still angered her.

Especially when directed towards her grandfather, Charles Fleetwood, who had practically raised Rosemary in the 12 years following the death of his sole heir, her father Malcolm Fleetwood.

Rosemary's papa had elected to homeschool her so that Rosemary could remain close to her mother, Aquila, as she traveled around the world conducting field research for magical cures. When he passed earlier that year, from dragon pox, it had devastated Rosemary completely and sent her mother into a full panic.

Aquila was worried she could not continue her daughter's education on her own given the demands of her research, and as a woman she would have great difficulty facilitating Rosemary's debut into high society.

The new heir of the Fleetwood fortune and head of family, Charles' nephew, had no interest in helping Aquila or Rosemary. Apparently still sore over his broken engagement with the then Aquila Black back in their days at Hogwarts, when she had captured the eye of his cousin, Malcolm.

So Rosemary's mother was forced to turn towards her birth family, the Blacks, and request that her cousin Phineas take over.

Phineas Black had declared himself entirely too busy to personally prepare Rosemary for the transition from homeschooling to learning at Hogwarts. Instead he had enlisted the help of Eleazar Fig, the Magical Theory professor, to assess her knowledge thus far.

Rosemary smiled fondly thinking about Fig. He had spent the entire summer mentoring her at the home she shared with her mother and the two had quickly formed a close bond.

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