1: Red Right Hand

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//Welcome to another Tommy fic. Most of this is outlined so I'm hoping to update every week or every other. I hope you all enjoy!

            Marcellus Potenza always used to say that the sun shone brightest off the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. His daughter Marcie couldn't debate this because she had never stepped foot in the hometown of her father. The small village outside of Naples where he learned his craft of suit making and tailoring.

What Marcie did know was that the sun didn't often shine on Birmingham. If the clouds weren't concealing the sky, then the coal smoke was. But Birmingham was home to her and always had been.

Her father and mother believed that England would be the answer to their prayers. They'd find great wealth and success there with all the wealthy British people looking for fine Italian-made suits. But the beginning wasn't easy.

As the oldest, Marcie remembered tough times when they lived in ramshackle tenements where the winters were practically unbearable. But against all odds, Marcellus had managed to make a name for himself and the business started to see profits.

By twenty-four, Marcie was fully entrenched in the family business. The Potenza family spent 1919 counting their blessings. Marcie's younger brothers never saw any of the conflict from the Great War and the business was growing with every month.

But as she walked through the Bull Ring, Marcie felt like she was being followed by a rain cloud. It had only been a few months since her father became ill. Her mother prayed for Marcellus to have a speedy recovery but Marcie was very worried. She could see it in her father's eyes, the way he was withering away right before her eyes.

"Ciao, Marcella!" Someone crowed from across the way.

Marcie pulled herself out of her glum thoughts and looked to see a young man waving at her. She recognized him as one of the young Italian men who made their fortune through less than savory ways. They were the types that her mother warned her to stay away from. Nicely dressed, smug smiles on their face, and a cocky way of walking.

Unfortunately, the message hadn't gotten through to her younger brothers, because she saw Gavino right next to the man.

Normally, Marcie would walk away, but she had to interfere if her brothers were involved. Fuming, she stormed across the way and grabbed Gavino, only twenty, by his shirt sleeve. "What are you doing out here?"

"Marcella, you look beautiful today." The man, Vittore if she could remember correctly, remarked.

Although Marcie had a fiery spirit, she knew when to keep her mouth shut. And she was well aware that men like Vittore carried guns. So, while avoiding eye contact with Vittore, she tugged Gavino along with her.

"What?" Her younger brother fussed, trying to shake her off. No doubt his reputation would be tarnished if people saw his sister scolding him in the middle of the street.

"This is the third time this week I've caught you out here with those men." She hissed. "You're making a bad impression, you come from a good family. What will the twins think?" The youngest in the Potenza family, twins Nico, and Patrizio looked up to their older siblings, especially Gavino.

"They're not bad," Gavino argued, finally pulling free of Marcie's grip. "And they have a lot of money."

"Money isn't everything." She snapped. "We do just fine as a family." She knew her father had worked hard to earn the small fortune he now had. "You'd be better off getting an education and earning a good living doing an honest job. That way you wouldn't be risking your life."

The Tailor's Daughter - Tommy ShelbyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora