Like Father Like Son

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Jacob ran back home. The boy leapt up the stairs and opens his door quickly. Jacob walks through his house. "Dad!" He yells out to his father as he looked through his house. He opened a door to the basement and runs down stairs. In the basement there was a lab. It had many testing tubes and many needles with liquids in them. Jacob looks around until he sees his father. His father was Professor Pierce who now had a needle in his hand for his next victim. "Yes Jacob? What's the problem?" Jacob huffs. "These fucking kids hit me and my friends because Daisy was being a jackass!" He huffs. "Okay, okay, it's alright. I know how to find her and her little friends." He smiles sweetly. "Wait, I didn't even tell you about her friends." Pierce pats his head and chuckles. Pierce grabs his phone and dials up his team. "Get my gear, I found them." He says as he grabs a tranquilizing gun. "Can I come too?" Pierce smiles and nods. "Atta boy, let's go hunting." Jacob laughs then gets in the car. They drive off.

The group was now walking to their homes. "I can't wait to just sleep, I'm so exhausted." Hibiki says. Connor nods in agreement. "Yeah man.. I'm-" he yawns before continuing his sentence. "Done for the night." He says softly. Daisy moves to him. "Want me to carry you sleeping beauty?" She tiredly grins at him. Connor looks at her in surprise. "Uh no and I'm not sleeping beauty, you are" he says as he rolls his eyes but smiles a bit. She laughs softly. As they walked they saw a couple of high beams in the distance. As they got closer a head poked out of the car. "Got your asses!" Jacob yells.

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