Another Apprentice

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Fawnshade watched as Frostpaw, her new apprentice, perform an almost perfect leap-and-twist. 

"Great job," She complimented. "I think we can move on to something more challenging."

Frostpaw, being one without a lot of words, just nodded. Fawnshade enjoyed her time with Frostpaw, since the quiet apprentice didn't make things awkward when things didn't work out well. 

It had already been five moons since the grief-filled leaf-bare had passed. She'd already been Frostpaw's mentor for three moons, and their relationship was already fairly well. 

"Hey, Fawnshade!" A familiar mew made her turn around. Hailstripe was bounding over to her, panting. "Do you want to- oh. You're training Frostpaw."

"Do you want to help?" Fawnshade asked. "Frostpaw's just mastered the leap-and-twist technique, and I'm going to teach her how to escape when someone pins her down."

"Sure," Hailstripe agreed. "I'm a ShadowClan warrior, and I'm going to attack you."

"Watch closely," Fawnshade told her apprentice. She tensed, ready for her mate's attack. Hailstripe leaped, his claws sheathed. He pinned her down easily, baring his fangs. 

Just as Fawnshade was about to knock him off balance, something lurched in her belly, and she gasped, the pain making her fall still. 

"Are you okay?" Hailstripe immediately crouched down besides her, worry shining in his blue eyes. Frostpaw hurried towards her. 

"I'm fine," Fawnshade mewed through gritted teeth. In the past half-moon, her bellyaches were becoming worse, and she was getting tired easily. 

"See Honeyfall," Frostpaw suggested. "You have a lot of stomachaches."

"Frostpaw's right," Hailstripe agreed. "You go see Honeyfall; I'll take care of Frostpaw's training today."

"Alright," Fawnshade murmured reluctantly. She rasped her tongue over his ears. "See you later."

She padded back towards camp, and something kicked the inside of her belly, and she quickened her pace. 

"Honeyfall?" Fawnshade called as she entered the medicine den. 

"Hi, Fawnshade!" Lavenderpaw greeted. "Honeyfall's busy with Poppyheart right now; you'll need to wait for a bit. I'll get him."

Fawnshade waited patiently for the small apprentice to fetch the golden-furred tom. A moment later, Honeyfall appeared without Lavenderpaw. 

"I left Lavenderpaw to treat Poppyheart," He told Fawnshade. "Now, what do you need?"

"I've been having bellyaches since a half-moon ago," She explained. "I was wondering whether you have any herbs for that."

"Hm." Honeyfall examined her for a moment. "I don't think you have a bellyache. Bellyaches only stay for a few days at most."

"Do I have a sickness?" Fawnshade asked worriedly. "I know it's newleaf, but we're still low herbs-"

"No, no," Honeyfall interrupted. "This is good news."

"It- it is?" She blinked. "How?"

Honeyfall looked into Fawnshade's eyes, blue eyes meeting green. 

"Fawnshade, you're expecting kits."

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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