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Days had been hard for the faraway gang. Very hard. Everyone's still dealing with the suicide of Mari even if it was one year later. Aubrey decided to go to basil house to study he was voted "number 1 kid in middle school" after all. So Aubrey walked to his house and knocked. It only took 2 before she heard a "coming!" And the door opened to show basil at the door. Aubrey asked, "Mind if I can study with you for the weekends?" Basil said "S-sure I don't see the harm in that" After 1 hour of studying Basil said, "I-I'm going to use the bathroom be back in a minute!" Now while she waited for Basil to come back she looked around the room. Woah it looked way bigger than normal but maybe it's just because she's laying down? But out of the corner of her eye, she saw Basil's bed, but most importantly she saw the...photobook! She knew Basil said not to touch anything but she just had to take a walk down memory lane! So she got up and grabbed the photobook and started to flip through the pages but why are they all black? No, she must be because of the lighting, right? So she turned on the lamplight to get a better view, just to see Mari one more time. But they're!??! How could he!? It seems that she must have made a bit of a ruckus because basil came back. "HOW COULD YOU?" Aubrey screams at Basil pointing at the photobook. "I-I-It isn't what it looks like trust me please!" Basil begged but Aubrey didn't want to listen to his terrible excuses. She shoved him out of the way "I'm taking this photobook with me I hate you!" Aubrey screeched at Basil. She then left she didn't want his grandma to see her and may get her into trouble that she didn't even deserve. She'll cooldown at the pond,kel should know of this too.

Oh and the pfp of this ass story is from

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