where am i?

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Kel walked back home and as he opened the door he heard his dad saying "What happened to Basil?" In a questing tone. All Kel could muster was a look. It seemed to give his dad all he needed to know. He was up by the stairs by now. He felt like he was being watched by someone, not something he didn't care about. He was at last at his bed he threw himself onto it. It didn't take long before the unconscious took over him. It wasn't long before he woke up but not in his bed, no he was in some weird space the sky was orange, and the floor pattern looked like a basketball. But there was an odd-placed door, so he walked up to it and found and handle. It opened easily and there he found a room with...is that Sunny? Oh my God, it is! He ran up and tackle him into a hug "Oh my God it's been way too long since I saw you! How has it been?" All Sunny did was point at a deck of cards, and so they played ranging from go fish to poker. It wasn't long until another figure opened the door. That long hair. Was that Aubrey? Oh it is, he gave a small wave trying to hold back all the rage for what she had done to poor Basil. Sunny seemed to notice but didn't care. "Well, what are we playing?" Aubrey said with a curious tone. "Poker and I'm losing badly. How is Sunny so good at this?" Kel said. And so all 3 of them played it seemed Kel just couldn't get the win. Physical games were his thing, not card ones. It wasn't long until another one came through the door. He had rough-up hair and pajamas. Was that hero? Guess it was, he sat down and like Aubrey and Kel asked "What are yall doing?" "Playing cards! And Kel hasn't even won once!" Aubrey gave a sly smile after saying that "Not on my watch!" Hero said almost like he was a superhero in a cartoon. Sunny decided to play uno, so Kel and Hero teamed up so did Aubrey and Sunny. Kel and Hero both had a collective of 25+ cards. "UNO!" Aubrey said with a smug grin. "Can't wait for another win to be under my belt!" She said taunting the unknowing of the fate befalling her. "Plus 4 plus 4 plus 4 plus 4 plus 4 UNO! PLUS 4!" Aubrey's gaze and smile soon become colder than stone. "Hmph not fair! You must have cheated!" Cried Aubrey mid-tantrum." "We won fair and square so beat it!" Kel fired back. "Alright you two settle down," Hero said trying to calm them both. "Hey look theirs a door at the top of those stairs!" Kel said like he just found Alanis. "Let's go I'm bored of this place!" Kel said. "Me two!" Aubrey chimed in. "Well, it settled then! Last one theirs a rotten egg!" Kel said before springing to the stairs. "HEY don't run up the stairs!" Hero warned. "Aw, man!" That was all Kel could say before Aubrey was at the top of the stairs. "Haha, I won!" Aubrey said gloating. And the door to a new adventure has opened for our dreamers.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2023 ⏰

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