what have i done...

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Aubrey decided to take take the photobook to their little hiding spot. The sun was at noon so she desperately flip through each page they were all blacked out. But she slowly started to undo all the mistakes Basil would dare do with the water in the pond. But it wasn't long until Basil would find out, he knew Aubrey was still attached to that area. "H-hey" Basil said "What do you want now!?" Aubrey screamed. "I-I-I know it sounds weird but please hear me out" Basil yet again begged. "Tell me" Aubrey wanted an answer. "S-sunny was the one who blanked them out!" A look of guilt crossed Basil's face. "WHY WOULD YOU USE HIM AS A MEAT SHIELD FOR YOUR MISTAKES!? HES HASNT EVEN BEEN OUT OF HIS HOUSE FOR 11 MONTHS!" Aubrey was done with whatever excuses Basil made. "P-P-Please it's the truth trust me!" Basil pleaded. "I'm done with you and your bullshit Basil, I'm leaving." As Aubrey said that she started to get up. But as she did Basil tried to use his body to block her cornering her to the little wooden walkway, but Aubrey pushed him to her right. "Splash" the pond made as Basil's body hit the surface of the pond. Aubrey stood there, in shock unable to move after realizing what she had done all she could do was watch her hands and Basil's body slowly go deeper and deeper. Now for kel was just thinking of going back to the little place the old group used to be in maybe he'll dangle his feet in the water? But all he could see was a petrified Aubrey, he, as anyone would walk closers to his lifelong frienemies but as he did get near her all she did was just point at a spot in the pond, so he looked and saw....is that Basil!?! His mind started to race, he knew someone would have to get him and they would need to be able to swim. He thought of everyone who could swim. No, not him or Aubrey either but the only one that was closest to this area was...HERO! He made a mad dash towards his home not even stopping for the red lights. He was able to his home, "How was school Kel?" His dad asked with a happy tune. Kel didn't answer instead he was rushing to his bedroom. God, why did the stairs go on forever? His head hurts too, maybe he'll just take a break for a second..NO! HE WOULDN'T GIVE UP ON BASIL! He reached his room why won't the door open!?! "HERO ITS BASIL, HE FELL INTO THE POND!" kel cried out his arms are going numb and his knuckles are starting to bleed. Hero unlocked the door. "Where?" Was all he asked, it only felt like a moment before he was back at the pond waiting for Hero to grab Basil out of the water. Aubrey was still in shock from what she had done to Basil. "If he doesn't survive this I'm never forgiving you, Aubrey." Hero came back gasping for air putting Basil on the ground he looked fine all but for his glossy eyes, almost like someone replaced his real eyes with glass. Hero gave Kel his flip phone and he dialed 911 "Hello 911 here what's your emergency?" "Help my friend has been in a pond I think he isn't breathing" Kel was able to gasp out "And where are you?" The operator said with steel nerves. "Faraway town," Kel said "Do you know how to do CPR? The operator said with calmness clearly in their voice "No but my brother does!" Kel was able to say "OK please stay on call until help arrives" and it took 10 minutes until they came he lead the paramedics to the pond. They pronounce Basil dead at the time of death at 10:00 pm. A crowd of people gathered. Kel just couldn't take the pressure anymore he wanted to go home. He already lost so much, first Mari, now Basil? "Why does this keep happening to us?" Was all he could mumble out before he saw just out of the corner of his eye and in the trees he saw a shadowy figure with glassy blue eyes. He must be seeing things maybe a good night sleep would fix that.

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