So I'm going to write this story in the below style and not in the one which I used for my other stories. I saw many people using this style and it is much more convenient to read I guess, so imma write it this way.

Mind-links/talking to their own wolves will be like this.

Normal dialogues will be like this.

Hope you understand it! If you have any confusions then DM me or comment on this chapter.


Y/n P.O.V

Flashbacks of whatever happened today was constantly playing in my head.

I was getting really bored at home this morning so I decided to go patrolling with Hobi and his team.

We were having a calm and safe time until I hear some rustling within the bushes.

I stand still, not moving an inch, and concentrate on catching the intruder.

I was damn sure that the wolf was an intruder because it had a different smell. Not of our pack.

It did not take the wolf long to pounce on me and try biting my neck. In just a few seconds I push the wolf off of me and pin it under me instead.

I place my paw on its neck and press hard making it hard for the wolf to breath. Within a few seconds the wolf changes into its human form and I remove my paw from his neck and shift into a human.

He was a male wolf whom I've never seen before. He looks at me with a red face because of the suffocation I caused earlier and smirks.

"Hey Alpha. You're much more prettier than I thought"

I roll my eyes at him before getting off of him. I brush the dirt off my clothes and grab him by his collar. He was just a bit taller than me.

"Who are you?! What are you doing in my territory?" I glare at him. His smirk grows wider as he replies. "I'm from your neighbouring pack! How could you not recognise me?".

I mind-link Hobi and he dashes to the place where I was with this weirdo. Hobi arrives and glances at the man in my grip.

"Hey man! Wanna help me out?". Hobi just shakes his head and places his hand on my shoulder.

"This guy's a friend of mine. His name is Kai. He's from the Howlers Pack". I slowly nod, understanding the situation before letting go of Kai.

He fixes his collar and straightens his posture before extending his hand for me to shake. "I'm Kai. Pleasure to meet you Alpha.....even though it wasn't that pleasant". I accept his hand.

"Park Y/n. Nice to meet you too."

I let go of his hand and we start walking back to our pack house.

It was silent until Hobi decides to break it. "So Kai. Why are you here?". Kai sighs and looks at me.

"My Alpha told me to inform something to Alpha Y/n" .

"What is it?" I ask out of curiosity.

"A new pack has moved in near our territory. They seem to be a small pack and we had a meeting with their Alpha yesterday. He seemed to be a nice guy. They wanted to know if there are other friendly packs here and our Alpha told your pack's name. They wanted to contact you but hesitated after looking at the size of your pack." I chuckle at what he said and he smiles.

"Would you like to meet up with them? They are very friendly and mean no harm".

I look away and think for a while and look at him again.

"I guess they can come. We don't wanna seem rude and superior you know". He smiles at me before nodding.

"We're here". Hobi announces our return from patrolling and Yoongi comes downstairs. He walks towards Hobi and places a kiss on his lips before looking at me.

"How did it go?" I look at Kai and chuckle at him

"It went all well, except for this intruder here". Yoongi looks at Kai and stares at him for awhile. Suddenly his eyes go wide and he smiles at him.

"If I'm not wrong, you're Kai from Howlers Pack right?".

Kai nods and smiles back at him. Some more people comes downstairs and they start chatting and laughing.

I walk up to my room and was about to take a shower when I hear someone mind-linking me.

"Umm Alpha? I hope I'm not disturbing you but I think I see someone lying dead on our boundary". My eyes grow wide at what Wayne said

"You sure it's a corpse?". There was no response for awhile. I start panicking and there was a loud banging on my door.

"Alpha! Y/n open the door! We've got an emergency!". My heart beat starts increasing as I open the door revealing a very panicked Jimin panting hard.

"What's wrong?".

"T-the Bloodmoon Pack....they...they took Wayne with them!...". I froze in my spot after hearing what Jimin said.

The Bloodmoon Pack and our pack have always been rivals. We've never had wars because the Council has placed certain rules on us which includes 'no war'.

They have attacked our territory many times but we managed to protect ourselves from it.

But today, they have crossed their limits.

I rush downstairs and Jimin immediately mind-links everyone to come downstairs.

Once everyone was gathered I noticed Kai looking at us all in confusion. I take a deep breath and get ready to tell them the truth.

"Alpha? Is there anything wrong?" Jin, the oldest of us all asks me. I nod and everyone's expression changes from a confused one to a worried one.

"You all are aware of our relationship with the Bloodmoon Pack. Today they seemed to have crossed their limits. They have Wayne in their clutches." Everyone starts gasping and exchanging glances.

I glance at Jimin and he was already looking at me. He gives me a small nod.

"Guys! We have to get our Wayne back! We need to do something about this! Alpha! Do something!" The look of sorrow was clearly visible on Wendy's face.

She was his little sis. She was just 10 and Wayne was her only family. I nod at her before clearing my throat and speaking again.

"Wolves! Let's get our Wayne back!" Everyone nods and raised their hand making a fist and growl.

"Delta Jimin. I need you to inform the Council about this as soon as possible."  I look at Jimin and he nods.

"And Skylar- wait.... where's Skylar?"  Just then the door bursts open revealing a panting Skylar with a huge cut on his arm.

"Alpha! They're here...."


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