fuckin hell man

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yknow i hate when i vent to someone because they actually either respond with sum helpful or not

like venting to someone sucks that why i do it here, because no one can judge me and shit

i hate it when someone tlels me or like forces me to comfort someone, like i want to but i dont wanna spend all my energy into comforting this one person who wont even accept my help or anyone elses help so whats the point in trying? like its good to comfort someone and i love comforting people, its just i dont like being told to do it like its a fucking chore, i comfort and try to help someone when i actually want to and not being forced to.

like of course i feel bad whenever i cant help someone, but whenever i dont go up to someone and try to help them its because i dont know how to talk to them and just end up feeling awkward and dont know when to leave them alone

ive tried so many times asking if this one girl was alright and she said yeah even though she wasnt and i tried asking her what was wrong she kept sayin nothing then wanna know what happened? someone else came up and asked if anything was wrong and the crying girl told her, thats why i dont just fuckin go up to people who r ceyinf bc they might not even NEED my help they need someone elses like oml i wont even TRY anymore

i probably dont make any sense but wtv i hate comforting someone whom i know doesnt even want nor need my help, so i dont try. and when someone FORCES me to ofc i go to them and try and then i leave them alone when they tell me to leave them the fuck alone, i dont wanna be seen as an asshole bc i rejected to help someone ok? ok im done ty for coming to mt ted talk my arm hurts.

me dying on the fucking insideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin