𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓞𝓷𝓮 || 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂 𝓙𝓸𝓾𝓻𝓷𝓮𝔂

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Luka sat silently at the desk in the corner of the room, writing in his notebook. The clock that sat on the desk read 02:34 A:M, but the platinum haired boy paid it no mind. In his lap was a brown colored creature with certain parts of it's body being cream. The cream-colored parts of it's body was the tip of its bushy tail and its large furry collar. It has short, slender legs with three small toes and a pink paw pad on each foot. Its has long pointed ears with dark brown interiors, and a small black nose. Its eyes were closed, but after being by it's side for so long, Luka knew they were a warm chocolate color.

Luka looked back towards his notebook, running a hand over the creatures head. "Eh-Voi?" A soft called took his attention. Luka scratched under the Eevee's chin. "Eh-Voi." She muttered, rubbing her head on his hand showing her happiness at the attention. Using his left hand, which was free from the attention of the Eevee, continued to write in his notebook.

"Shinx." Came a call from behind him, before another creature jumped up beside him. Its front half is light blue, while the rear is black. There is a short tuft of fur on its head and smaller tufts on each cheek. The top tuft is on the smaller side. It has large, oval ears with yellow, star-shaped markings on the insides; yellow eyes; and a tiny, red nose. A black marking encircles its neck like a collar, and there are yellow bands above its forepaws. The hind paws were blue, cutting off the black fur. Spiked fur surrounds the base of its long tail, which is tipped with a yellow star shape.

The Shinx sat down, staring at his notebook with curiosity. "I'm just making a plan for our Journey. We're leaving tomorrow, remember?" Luka told the curious Shinx. Luka noted how the Shinx immediately got excited at that, small sparks of electricity bouncing of the lynx cub.

"Eh-Voi." A soft call came from Luka's lap. The Eevee was staring at the clock that the Shinx sat next to.

"I guess you are right, Linnea. I should probably head to bed."


Luka was woken up as pain laced the side of his head. Shooting up, he grabbed the side of his head in pain. Looking over, he saw his Shinx sitting there looking proud of herself. Once Shinx noticed he was awake, she bolted over to the closed door and pawed at it in excitement. "Did you really need to headbutt me, Bolt?" Luka huffed in annoyance. A small movement on his lap caught his attention, "Did you sleep well, Linnea?"

"Eh-Voi!" Linnea, the Eevee, nodded happily.

"Shinx!" An impatient cry called from across the room.

"Bolt, I need to get ready before I leave. I'm not about to go anywhere while in my pajamas." Luka huffed and got up, heading to the bathroom. After taking a quick shower, he pulled on some clothing. After putting his bandana on, which helped in keeping his hair out of his face, he headed towards the door. Bolt was still sitting there, looking bored. However, when she saw Luka heading over, she got excited and stood up quickly.

Linnea jumped from the bed and slowly walked over, walking underneath Luka's feet and looking up at him. Luka smiled and leaned down, allow her to jump on his shoulder. Opening his bedroom door, Bolt raced out and down the stairs. Making it down the stairs, himself, Luka saw Bolt eating out of her bowl. Linnea jumped down herself and padded over to her own food bowl, eating at a much slower pace.

Luka made himself an egg sandwich, slathering it in mayonnaise. The trio quickly finished their breakfast and headed towards the professor's lab. Bolt was racing around Luka's legs happily, while Linnea was held in Luka's arms.

In front of the laboratory, was a small crowd. Luka saw a familiar women in front of the group, causing him to smile. "Hello, Mrs. Ketchum." Luka greeted as he pushed his way through the crowd. Delia Ketchum looked over and brightened up at the boy.

"Luka! Its so good to see you. Are you here to also start your journey?" She asked. Luka nodded in response. "That's good! I'm happy that Ash will have a friend on this journey alongside him. Please take care of my son, Luka!" She chirped happily.

"Mom!" A voice called in horror from the front of the lab. Looking over Luka caught sight of Ash, who was also carrying a yellow Pokémon. Beside him was also Professor Oak.

"Good morning, Professor Oak." Luka greeted as he walked over. Bolt, who caught sight of the Pokémon in Ash's arms, smirked. Suddenly, before Luka could stop her, Bolt headbutted the Pokémon, pushing Ash over. "Bolt, stop!" Luka yelled, only to get ignored as Bolt went to headbutt the duo again.

"I-I see Bolt is still... well Bolt." Professor Oak spoke in worry. Luka shot forward, dropping Linnea in the process, wrapping his arms around Bolt just as the yellow Pokémon shot electricity as Bolt. The electricity hit Luka straight on, and wrapped around to also electrocute Professor Oak, Linnea, and the rest of the crowd.

"Pikachu, stop." Ash called out in pain. When the electricity finally disappeared, everyone fell to the ground in pain, except for Bolt who was snickering at everyone.

"I'm so sorry about Bolt, Ash." Luka quickly apologized, picking Bolt up before she could attack again. Luka used his free hand to wipe the scorch marks from his face. Linnea whined, seeing Luka carrying Bolt, before show started to climb up his back and taking a place on Luka's shoulder.

"I-It's fine, Luka." Ash muttered, pushing himself to his feet.

"Well, let's go get you situated now, Luka." Professor Oak said, walking back towards his lab. Luka was quick to follow after him, leaving Ash behind to talk with his mother. Heading into the lab, Professor Oak headed over to the back where he head a Pokedex sitting alongside four Pokeballs. "Now usually I'd give trainers six Pokeballs, but seeing as you already have two Pokémon, I don't think it'll be necessary."

Luka gentle grabbed the Pokeballs, clipping them to his belt, before also grabbing the Pokedex and slipping it into his jacket pocket. Luka quickly thanked the Professor and headed towards the door. "Shinx!" Bolt squirmed, trying to get out of Luka's grip. Luka tightened his grip, refusing to release the blue cub.

Opening the door, Luka noticed that Ash and his mother were already gone. Luka headed towards Route 1, wanting to head out on his journey. Bolt soon gave up struggling, going limp in Luka's hold with a pout on her lips.

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