𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝔀𝓸 || 𝓞𝓷𝔀𝓪𝓻𝓭𝓼 𝓽𝓸 𝓥𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓭𝓲𝓪𝓷 𝓒𝓲𝓽𝔂

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Luka walked along the dirt road, holding both Linnea and Bolt in his arms. Bolt was still pouting at being held, while Linnea looked moments away from sleeping. With every step, Luka saw more and more Pokémon. Specifically Pidgeys and Rattatas, alongside a couple of Spearows and the occasional Pikachu. With every new Pokémon, Bolt started to slowly struggle once more.

"Bolt, I'm not going to let you down if you keep struggling." Luka told the Shinx softly. Bolt huffed in annoyance before falling limp once again. As the trio continued on, someone stepped in Luka's way.

The boy was young, maybe age 8 or 9. He was standing confidently in front of Luka with both hands on his hips. Luka blinked slowly, staring at the bot blankly, before moving to head around him. "H-Hey, where are you going!" The boy cried out in shock at being ignored.

"Um... Continuing to Viridian City... Like I planned?" Luka asked in confusion, wondering what this little kid could possibly want. "Why do you want to know, anyways?" The little boy grew red at the question, whether from anger or embarrassment.

"I was challenging you to a battle, moron!" The kid exclaimed. Luka frowned at the rude remark.

"How was I supposed to know? You literally just cut me off and stared at me for over five minutes." Luka claimed. Luka could've sworn the boys face went redder at that. Bolt started struggling in Luka's hold once again. "But fine. I could use the warm up before I head out properly."

"Warm up? I'll show you a warm up when me and my Pokémon defeat yours!" He claimed in anger. "Rattata, lets go!" The boy clumsily threw his Pokeball into the air, summoning a rat. The rat has purple fur with a cream-colored face, paws, and underbelly. It has narrow eyes containing white sclera and pupil with red irises, rounded ears with cream-colored insides, and a single whisker on each cheek. Luka took noticed how its whiskers were short and immediately knew this Rattata was female. Its long tail is tightly curled at the end. Its most notable feature is its large teeth.

Luka dropped Bolt, who landed easily on her feet. Bolt ran forward in excitement, getting into a battle pose. Bolt had her head lowered, front legs bent. She looked ready to leap forward at a moments notice. "Rattata, Quick Attack!" The boy called out as soon as Bolt was ready.

"Bolt, counter it with Thunder Shock!" The Rattata ran forward quickly, nearly disappearing in a flash of white. Rattata got closer by the second as electricity surrounded Bolt. Bolt jumped into the air at the last second, dodging Rattata, before firing the stream electricity at the mouse.

It was a direct hit, smoke and dust flying into the atmosphere. "Rattata!" The young boy shouted in shock, trying to spot a hint of movement from within the dust cloud. Bolt landed in front of Luka, puffing her chest out in pride.

The smoke slowly dissipated, revealing a heavily injured Rattata standing there. Rattata shook itself, dust and dirt flying off its body. "Rattata! Are you okay?" The boy exclaimed, worry and determination shining through his eyes. His once confidant demeanor withering away in a single attack. Rattata released a call of its name, calming the young boy. "Then use bite!"

Bolt knelt down as the mouse Pokémon took a running start towards her, her star-tipped tail swishing in excitement. Rattata jumped up, aiming for Bolt's back. Rattata landed on Bolt's back, biting down with it's enormous teeth. Bolt hisses in pain, bucking around in annoyance, only for the mouse to tighten its hold. Bolt finally having enough, flipped onto her back, smashing Rattata underneath her weight.

Bolt quickly flipped over, jumping away from the Rattata. "Bolt, Swift!" Bolt's star-tipped tail glowed as she whipped it towards Rattata, who was still recovering from getting slammed into the ground.

Linnea wiggled in Luka's arms, climbing onto his shoulder for a better look at the battle. Luka and Linnea watched as dozens of stars shot from Bolt's tail, sailing straight for Rattata. "Rattata, watch out!" The boy cried out. Unfortunately he was too late, the group of stars colliding with his Rattata.

Smoke and dust was shot into the air once again, obscuring everyone's view. "Rattata!" The boy called out once again in worry. Bolt walked out of the smoke, head held high as the smoke slowly cleared the area, showing the fainted Rattata on the ground. The boy ran to his Rattata, picking her up in worry. "You'll pay for this! I'll win the next time we meet!" The boy called out as he turned around and ran off, holding his fainted Rattata in his arms.

"That kid was weird..." Luka muttered underneath his breath, shaking his head. "Anyways... You did great, Bolt." Luka praised, watching as the Shinx stuck her chest out even more, if that was even possible. Luka looked up at the sky, which was slowly growing dark. "We should continue to head to Viridian City. Hopefully we'll make it there before its dark."

"Shinx!" Bolt exclaimed, prancing forward. Within moments, Bolt went to attack another Pokémon.

"Bolt!" Luka exclaimed, trying to grab her before she made contact. However, Bolt was easily faster than Luka. Bolt tackled a Spearow, throwing the bird Pokémon into a tree. Bolt went to attack again, but this time Luka caught her before she could.

The Spearow slowly got to it's feet, look angered. "Spear..." It growled in anger, glaring at Luka and his two Pokémon. The Spearow shot forward, its beak glowing brightly. Luka quickly dodged to the side, avoiding the attack as the Spearow swooped back upwards. Luka felt electricity gathering around his arms and looked down, seeing sparks shot off Bolt's fur. Luka sighed in defeat, dropping Bolt to the floor.

Linnea also shook her head at Bolt's attitude. "Eh-Voi..." She muttered. Luka exchanged a look with Linnea before turning back just as Bolt released the Thunder Shock at the Spearow, who was swooping back down towards the trio with a glowing beak.

The electric attack hit Spearow, who screeched in pain. Spearow screeched loudly at the trio before turning and leaving. Bolt puffed out her chest once again in victory before a red light shot towards her and she dematerialized, disappearing into her Pokeball. Luka looked down at the Pokeball and sighed. "You're going to stay in there until we get to Viridian City, Bolt, or else I'll have the whole forest after me."

With that Luka and Linnea continued onwards towards Viridian City.

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