Ball of Silence - Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

We feel lighter and lightheaded when we return to the lower gravity of our ship. Sina has bought Priar a chocolate tree, one of Ginlam's local specialties, and we sit in the mess hall admiring it. It's quite big, a foot tall, and shaped like a coral tree. It's both pretty and delicious.

"I asked around a bit. We have a cargo offer for Celam," Priar says.

"Oh, good," I say.

Flin starts grumbling the moment the word "Celam" comes up. He doesn't like Celam, his home planet. Heaps of unpleasant memories, he says.

"Don't worry, no shore leave, Flin. We are just looking for cargo to Shuslam and then we leave," I say to cheer him up.

"Okay, but I'd have preferred Torlam." He studies his fingers.

Ten years ago, right after I acquired the Voice of Silence, I found a nineteen-year-old Flin on Celam. He ran away from home when he was seventeen, though I have no idea why. Some asshole used his lack of wits, took advantage of him, and forced him to work in an illegal martial arts show where "gladiators" fought almost to the death. I paid off Flin's debts, disgusted by his treatment.

After I bought Flin's freedom and he paid off his debts to me, I urged him to return to Celam to see his family. He was twenty-one at the time. He never talked much of his family. Well, neither did I.

He went as ordered, but was back in two days.

"Flin, what's wrong? Why are you back already?"

He refused to look at me. He never looks at me when he does something bad or when I touch on a topic he doesn't like.

"Can I stay with you, Jaiah? Like before? I'll take care of the cargo and maintenance, and I'll cook for you. You like my cooking, don't you? And I'll watch your back when you see clients and go out and—"

"Flin? Did something bad happen at home?" I gently interrupted him.

"Please, Jaiah, let me stay with you. Please," he said, as a big tear rolled down his cheek.

I never before saw him cry, not even when I first found him. "Sure. Stay with me, Flin. I wouldn't know what to do without you."

He sobbed and hugged me. He clung to me like I was a lifeline, burying his face in my shoulder. His sobs came from the deepest depths of his body and soul, with giant tears.

I almost cried with him. I patted his back and it sounded as if I beat a drum.

"Thank you, Jaiah."

"It's all right, Flin. It's all right."

To this day, I've never heard what happened during those two days on Celam. I don't know whether he met with his parents or brother and sister. Whenever our cargo-shipping route takes us to Celam, Flin stays on board and takes no shore leave. Shore leave is a childish joy on any other planet, when budget and time allow for it. I presume that I will never find out what happened on those two days.

"Uh, Rels on Shuslam." Priar grins. "I've always had a crazy idea of meeting the Rels one day and getting to know them better. Whoever makes such beautiful ships can't be entirely evil."

Sina scoffs and tries to curb our enthusiasm. "Well, first we have to find cargo for Shuslam."

"We'll find one," I say. "Why don't you let us take care of the cargo for Celam while you inform the space bender guild about the NLS?"

"I'll do that," Sina says and leaves us.

I turn to Priar. "What's the cargo offer to Celam?"

Priar grins broadly and points at the chocolate tree on the mess hall table. "This."

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