Daniel McCarthy

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Ugh! So much homework in a day. I wrote this in my free time. BTW I found out that my history teacher reads PJO and ships Percabeth.

'Sup! Daniel McCarthy here. 17 yrs. old, shaggy blonde hair, baby blue eyes, ADHD, Dyslexic, studies at San Fransisco High (Don't know of its a real school) and best friend of Annabeth Chase for 3 years. Yes, the Annabeth Chase, the smartest and hottest girl that ever walked the planet. I may have a tiny crush on her. Scratch that. A huge crush on her.

"Daniel....... Daniel!" Annabeth's Angelic voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Are you even listening to me?"


"What did I say?"

"Ummmmm......" She sighed

"Meet me at the parking lot after school"


"See you later!" She shouted as she left for her last class. My last class is History while hers is Architecture.

-(Timeskip Timelapse whatevs)-

After history, I went to my locker to get few stuff and left to search for Annabeth. I spotted her under a tree reading a ginormous book about Greek Architecture. "Hey" I said as I slid next to her, "Why did you ask me to come here?"

"Do you have both of your parents?"

"No. My Mom said that Dad left when I was born"

"Okay. Follow me"

I did what I was told, I followed her. She stopped infront of a Silver W Motors Lykan Hypersport. "Get in. Don't worry it's my car". We got in, she has been driving in silence for a day, wait it's been only 5 minutes, stupid ADHD. "So........" I tried to start a conversation. "If you're wondering where we're going to Camp Half-Blood"

"Camp Half-Blood?"

"You know Greek Mythology, right?"

"What about it?"

"It's real"

"What's the relation of Greek Mythology and CHB?" (I'm just gonna right CHB instead of camp half-blood, okay?)

"CHB is a place full of our kind, Demigods. A demigod is half-human, half-God, there are two kinds of demigods, Greek and Roman. CHB is a place for the Greek ones, Camp Jupiter for Romans"

"I'm a demigod?"

"Yes. You show the signs, ADHD, Dyslexia, doesn't have both parents"

"And You're a demigod?"

"Yes. My godly parent is Athena"

After that, we drove in silence. It seems like hours have past but it's only been 10 minutes since we talked. I was getting bred so I asked "Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"

"No. No. No. No. And for the last time, No."

After her reply I became quiet until we got to Long Island. "Are we there yet?" I asked..... Again. "Yes" She replied instantly. She parked and got out. She walked to the top of the hill while I just stood there ....... like an idiot. She did the come here gesture. I walked up the hill until I reach the top. "Wow. So this is CHB". If I were to describe this place in one word, it would be awesome (Insert CHB description here). "You see that pine tree with a fleece over there" She said while pointing to the tree.


"That's Thalia's pine. The pine that protected the camp."

"The pine tree protected the camp?"

"Yeah, it has its magical borders around camp. Some demigods get claimed after stepping into the borders of the camp"

"If that's Thalia's pine then who's Thalia?"

"I'll explain later, after we enter the borders" I nodded

We started walking to the borders. "So, where do the new campers go?" I asked.

"To the Big House"

"Mind showing to around the place?"

"After you go to the Big house"

~Timeskip after explaining things and the tour~

I was claimed by Apollo right after I stepped into camp and Annabeth became my guide. "So....... See you at supper?" I said in a questioning way. "Yeah, see you at supper" she replied as we parted ways. I expected her to go to the Athena cabin but she went to the shores. I followed her (I'm not a stalker). When I got to the shores, I saw a man who made me gay for 3 minutes, he had windswept black hair, mesmerizing sea-green eyes, a sun kissed tan, an eight-pack (A/n: it felt awkward writing this), and toned and lean muscles, not the steroids type, the I-work-out-a-lot type. Annabeth ran up to him and touch a spot on his back (A/n: His former Achilles spot), and said something that I couldn't make out. He turned around about to slice her when he noticed who it was. "Gods, don't scare me like that, Wise girl" the boy said. Annabeth just laughed.

"You could've seen your reaction, it's priceless, seaweed brain"

"Now, proper hello" He pouted


Annabeth brought her face closer and kissed him on the lips. My heart almost shattered in to dust because I had an idea. It'll be settled tomorrow


Today is the day. Today I'll be asking 'seaweed brain' a duel, whoever wins can have Annabeth. Anyway, I went to the sword arena to check if he's there, luckily, he was. "Hey. You!" I shouted.


"Yes you!"


"A duel, whoever wins can have Annabeth"

"Do I have to disarm you?"


Campers started gathering around and I spotted Annabeth among the crowd. "3,2,1, FIGHT!" A girl shouted (Clarisse). I charge at him, he easily side stepped. I swung at him, he blocked it. He sighed and swung his sword upward getting me off guard and disarming me. "Happy?" He asked. I ran out of the arena, feeling embarrassed. I ran and ran until I bumped into someone. "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going and, argh, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" A girl said

"It's alright. I was the one running, I'm just having a bad day"

"Yeah, me too, my crush just proposed to his girlfriend two nights ago"

"Who's your crush?"

"Percy Jackson and his girlfriend is Annabeth Chase"

"You too?"


"I have a major crush on Annabeth but I just found out that she's engaged. By the way, I'm Daniel McCarthy, son of Apollo"

"I'm Macey Brooklyn, daughter of Aphrodite" (She's the one from the first chapter)

~Few years later~

Macey and I got married and had twins. Percy became an Gold medalist Olympic swimmer, he won 8 gold medals already and Annabeth became the best Architect. They got married and had kids, Percy, Annabeth and I are friends and helped me propose to Macey. Seems like Macey and I were meant for each other.

I gave them a good ending. They deserved it

Mortals Meet PercabethOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora