A friend.

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Wilbur & Jonathan.

Cw- bullying


It's the second day of school the two boys already familiar with how everything goes. Except one day the two are outside in the sand box creating structures like castles, houses, even a little farm, but of course as techno and Wilbur are having a good time it always ends up getting ruined.

Techno stood up wiping sand off his pants and saying his gonna get a stick from the field. Wilbur nodded agreeing to being alone and 'protecting' they little town they got going on. "That looks stupid!" Wilbur looked up hearing the voice above him seeing it was a kid with brown hair and a smug face. Wilbur was a little hurt considering techno and Wilbur took a bit to build it. "What do you mean?.." Wilbur responded the kid rolled his eyes and spoke "I mean it's lame! It's stupid. My baby brother could do better!" Wilbur felt upset at the comment knowing how hard techno and him worked on it. "I don't think it's stupid...me and my brother worked on it.." "maybe your brother is just as stupid as you!" He could feel his lip quiver and his vision go blurry. "I think this trash is blocking my way!" Before Wilbur could get a word in the kid kicked and stomped on their little town. Thats what broke Wilbur.

He broke down in tears covering his face as his creation was demolished. Next thing he knows he hears another kid crying. He removed his hands from his face seeing the kid crying as he was on the sand sitting. Wilbur sniffled hearing his brothers voice, but he heard another voice the other guy he met yesterday. "You okay?" He looked to his right seeing the se brown hair but less of a angry face more of a calm...reassuring face. A face Wilbur fell into immediately calming down.

Wilbur nodded, Jonathan held out his hand for Wilbur which Wilbur grabbed getting pulled up. He wiped the sand from his pants. "Wilbur!" He turned behind seeing his brother panting "you okay?" Wilbur nodded again techno let out a sigh of relief everything was good now...well not certainly.

"Jonathan Schlatt, come right here, right now!" Hearing a teacher shout across the playground "crap." The two kids eyes widen looking at Jonathan.

After the day Jonathan walked out of the building with the angry face walking along techno and Wilbur "what happened?" Techno asked "stupid teachers and their stupid rules." He grumbled under his breath.

The next day was calmer the kid who Wilbur found out his name was Jared was still picking on him saying such lines that he sucks and that he's stupid and just being a dick to Wilbur.

Wilbur was hurt majority of the time but brushed it off stating he was fine after each encounter with Jared. Jonathan and techno went along with Wilbur all hanged out laughing talking to each other and just having a great time.

Wilbur was walking alone around the fields since there was daises everywhere. Techno was sick that day unable to come to school but claimed the he should still come, but quickly got denied. Wilbur didn't here the leaves crunching behind him due to him being to lost in his thoughts.


Wilbur never jumped so much in his life nearly elbowing Jonathan in the face. Jonathan was laughing while Wilbur started to jokingly be upset "hahah!- im sorry- im s- hahahah!" Sounds of laughter filling Wilbur's ears. Once Jonathan calmed down the two began a conversation enjoying each others company.

Wilbur looked at Jonathan seeing his goofy smile and finally he has a friend.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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