27. Confessions of Love

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It was only a few days later that Isabella and Elain had sat down for a conversation over tea. She couldn't help but feel on edge, ready for her sister to shatter the perfect bubble she was currently living in.

Oliver had a cold and through all the endless crying and snotty nose Isabella had bonded with her husband. She had found the man she married again. Except their relationship didn't feel the same way as it normally did. Different but good. Allies even, especially when the elder Mr Mandray had made a snide comment about Oliver and Tomas had actually defended the boy.

Grandfather Mandray had unfortunately caught wind of Tomas' apparent weakness and an argument had ensued between the three males. It had left Isabella and Mrs Mandray to converse in the kitchen and the pair had taken turns stroking back Ollie's hair while making a chicken broth.

It had been nice, bonding with her mother in law once more. She had apologised for scaring Isabella, but had continued to stress her fears. And Isabella found herself not minding the thought of another child, of a large family.

But to have it with-

"Bells." Elains prompted, looking at her apprehensively and Isabella took a sip of tea while her sister smiled awkwardly at her. "How has Oliver been?"

"You know how he is. He's never been a good sick patient." Isabella rolled her eyes fondly and Elain smothered her giggles. "He's doing better already, Tomas took the day off to stay with him."

"That's... kind of him." Elain forces out, her smile waning and Isabella can't help but stiffen in fear. Though her own reaction has her pausing. When did she start fearing someone mentioning the man she loves? "How are things between the two of you?"

Her smile is fake when she replies, "Good, good. We've had a peaceful few days, poor Ollie aside. It's been... nice, a reminder of simpler times."

"Simpler times?" Elain prompts only to frown when Isabella waves her off.

"Without the Queens, and the Fae and Feyre. Not to mention the threat of war looming over our heads." Isabella grumbled, choosing that moment to sip her tea while Elain gnaws her lip. She wants to ask something. It couldn't be more obvious if she tried. Or maybe she is trying, trying to get Isabella to bring up Tomas first so Elain doesn't have to.

"Is everything alright Elain, you seem to be elsewhere." Isabella finally states because she refuses to lose a battle of wills over her husband when everything has been going so well.

"I-" Elain clears her throat and Isabella's teacup seems to clash louder than necessary back onto the saucer. "There are some rumours in the Village, Bells. Ones that the staff thought best to bring to my attention."

Isabella watches transfixed as Elain's throat bobs and it's only when her jaw ticks that she realises her sister is upset, angry. Please for the love of all things good in this world let it not be about her baby. Not her Oliver. Not her little Ollie.

"Tomas was seen sleeping with a girl,a- a prostitute of some kind."

Oh thank heavens.

Wait what.

"He was just with Oliver this morning, he bought flowers-"

"It's been going on for some time, Bells." Elain pleads, eyes watering. "I know you love him. That's why the staff told me and not Nesta, they were worried she'd be too gleeful and use it as an excuse to- to- oh, I don't know what but to do something to Tomas."


"It's okay to be upset." She rushes out, practically lunging forward to grip Isabella's hands in her own. "I know you keep emotions bottled up sometimes and I can't imagine what this must be like for you. For Oliver. But-"

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