Mocktails and Fries

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Yn wasn't sure exactly what lead her to make the decision to step into the small rundown-looking building on her way home from work that Thursday evening, but soon she had walked in nonetheless. It was an old brick building, the first floor displaying signs advertising cheap drinks and live music every night. She had just moved to the city about a month before and if she was honest with herself, she hadn't exactly tried very hard to make friends or explore the area around her apartment and workspace. Now she was seated in a booth, the red leather of the seats cracked and aged underneath her jean-clad legs.

There were not many people in the space, just a few at the bar nursing various drinks and a few couples at the booths or slow-dancing on the small open space that was meant as a dance floor. There was soft music flowing out of unseen speakers, soft piano music that was full of peace and hope and Yn felt some of the stress and loneliness drift away as if on a soft summer breeze. 

A moment later a waiter came over, bringing Yn her mocktail and a plate of fries, assuring her they were on the house as she was a first-time customer. Yn thanked him with a genuine smile and he nodded before stepping away, adding that he hoped she would enjoy the coming live music.

Yn looked around the space, wondering exactly where the live music would be performed in this small space. There was no stage, and besides the small dance floor, there wasn't exactly any open space in the small restaurant. Finally, her eye landed on an old brown piano in one of the corners and something about the worn wood and faded keys held her eye, curiosity about the history of the instrument flooding her mind.

She wasn't able to ponder the question very long, thoughts interrupted by a figure sitting down at the same piano as the overhead music faded away. Yn gaze focused on the figure, their hair shaggy and reaching just past their shoulders which were slightly hunched as their hands rose, resting for a long moment on the keys before moving, pressing keys slowly but with purpose. The song that flooded out of the piano wasn't one that Yn had ever heard before but for some reason, as it continued, she felt a sense of nostalgia and comfort wash over her.

She watched the hands glide over the keys, mesmerized by the grace that they held, moving quickly and then now slowly. As the first song came to an end Yn realizes that the music was similar to what had been played over the speakers before, assuming it had been recorded by this pianist. As the second song began, Yn let herself smile, fully sinking into the music. Even more now than before, she felt the stress of her job leaving her, there was so much peace poured into the music.

Yn didn't know how long she had been sitting there, sipping her drink and nibbling on what seemed like an endless supply of fries when the music faded for the last time and didn't start up again. She sat up fully looking around to see that she was the only patron left in the shop, the clock on the wall telling her it was getting late, and most likely close to closing time.

The staff had all disappeared as well, barring the bartender, whose gaze was flicking between her and something else. She followed his gaze to the piano, the pianist still sitting there but now facing her, eyes alight with curiosity as he gazed at Yn.

Yn gasped despite herself, he was as beautiful as the music he created with his equally beautiful fingers. He moved, looking as if he was going to stand and Yn panicked, standing quickly, and rushing over to the bar to pay her bill. As she was stepping away from the register, she glanced back over to the man and slipped her card back into her pocket. He was still looking at her with a curious expression and despite the fact that he hadn't moved any closer to her, Yn felt her nerves rise. She gave him a quick nod and managed a small but not unkind smile as she quickly pushed the door open and walked out into the cool autumn air.

Back inside the building, Yoongis's gaze fell back onto Hoseok as the pretty girl left the building. Hoseok was giving him a knowing look in response.

"She was so totally into you, dude," Hoseok says with a light laugh.

Yoongi just shakes his head, "You think everyone who comes in here likes me."

"Yoongi, I am so serious right now," Hoesok says, putting his last glass away on the shelf behind the counter, "As soon as you came out her eyes were glued to you and you saw how she only left after you stopped."

"That just means she liked the music, not me," Yoongi throws back, feeling his energy waning quickly now that he was done working for the night.

Hoseok hands him a glass of water and relents, knowing how his friend got after playing for this long, "Try and get some sleep tonight, Yoon."

Yoongi looks up at him and nods, "You know I always try." And Hoseok nods, he did know that. They both knew how often Yoongi tried and failed to sleep. They both knew that Yoongi needed to go to a sleep specialist and figure out why he couldn't sleep very often. They both knew that Yoongi wasn't going to do that unless he was forced to.

Yoongi drank his water and placed the glass back down, "I'm gonna head back."

"See you later, Yoon," Hoseok says quietly. He watches his friend leave through the back entrance then turns, ready to close up shop for the night, "Maybe she will come back again and then we will see what happens."

And come back Yn did. It took her a good deal of courage to enter the small restaurant again a week later, arriving before the pianist did just as she had the week before.

Tale as Old as Time (The Old Brown Paino)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt