Greasy Food and Conversations

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If you had asked Y/n why she finally decided to go back to the bar, she would have stumbled through some garbled words, and you would have gotten some answers about the piano music.

What she was really feeling was that but so much more. She did very much enjoy the music, it was one of the most peaceful and calm days she had had since moving and wanted to experience it again.

But on the other side of everything, she was also extremely curious about the man producing the music. The way he had been looking at her as if he wanted to dissect her brain and figure out why she was there all night. It was intriguing to her.

And so she went back.

It was Thursday again. For her, Thursday was the worst day of the week. Many people hate Mondays, which she didn't mind generally, but on Thursday, she was always drained.

She sat in the same booth as she had that previous week, the cracks in the leather the same as she remembered them. Most of the same people were present, give or take a few. The bartender was the same man with a kind but slightly sad smile.

She ordered more food this time, she had worked through lunch break and had snacks for dinner and needed more than fries tonight.

The food came out quickly and she was so engrossed in how good the greasy food tasted that she didn't even realize the pianist had started until halfway through his second song.

As he played, she again felt the stress and worried of the day start to dissipate. She sighed as she realized she was going to be in here a lot if this was the only thing that was able to relive her stress.

"Are you alright?"

She looked up to see the bartender leaning against the side of her booth.

"Oh, yeah I'm fine!" She gave him a smile which didn't quite reach her eyes. He looked at her for a long moment, expression neutral but curious.

"Do you mind if I sit with you for a moment?" He asks, waiting for her answer before moving.

"You don't have to be over there?" She nodded to the bar where two men were sitting, glasses both full as they spoke about something.

"Nah, I have a good... 7 minutes? I think, before they need me," His face changes into a small but slightly mischievous smile and she can't help but smile back.

"Why not, go ahead."

He sits across from her, gracefully and she watches him, wondering why he was seeking her out this way. She can't help but notice how pretty his profile is as he turns to look at the man playing the piano.

"What's your name?" He finally asks, turning back to her.

"Y/n," She says softly, "You?"

"Technically, Hoseok, but everyone calls me Hobi," He grins, and Y/n can't help but smile back, his energy was infectious.

"Well, Hobi, it's nice to meet you."

"Likewise!" He pinches one of the fries off her mostly empty plate, "Did you like the food?"

"It was so good! I was starving," Y/n admits, feeling slightly anxious as the conversation seems to become awkward.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Hobi asks, face serious again.

Y/n looks at him for a long moment, "I'm sure it's not your fault, I'm just awkward around new people."

"Oh, let's change that then!" He grins and starts to babble, rattling off facts about himself, the bar, and the city.

Y/n feels the tension leave the table as he talks and smiles to herself, considering she may have just made her first real friend in the city. And by accident at that.

"Hobi?" She asks, interrupting a story about a skunk in a gas station. He stops mid-sentence and nods.

"Are you friends with him?" She gestures to the man at the piano, his fingers gliding effortlessly across the keys.

Hobi's grin tells her a few things, 1, yes he was friends with him and 2, he knew something she didn't.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You like him don't you?" Hobi asks, a twinkle in his eye as he studies her face.

"Well- I mean- his songs... they just calm my soul somehow."

Hobi looks slightly disappointed with this answer but he nods, "Yoongi is like that a lot of the time. He's a very comforting person to be around. Unless he's in a mood of course."

Y'n hesitates for a very long moment, only speaking again when Hobi raises an eyebrow.

"I don't want to seem like a crazy person," She pauses and Hobi starts to smile again, softly this time as he encourages her to continue.

She shakes her head, "Never mind, I think I'm just over tired and my brain isn't working correctly."

Hobi looks disappointed but nods, it would be weird for anyone to open up to a stranger after knowing them for 15 minutes.

"I know we just met, but you seem cool. You should come by more often, even on days when Yoongi isn't the one playing," He gives her a playful smile and stands up before she can respond, "Duty calls."

Y/n watches him walk back to the bar, helping a couple pay their tab before making a few drinks for a group of women.

Maybe she would come here more often. She would have to think about it.

Today she leaves just as Yoongi finishes his last song. The calming melodies drift through her mind as she finishes her short walk back home. They linger even once she is in bed, blanket pulled up to her chin.

And they wind around her mind as she dreams, just out of sight in her subconscious.

She was definitely going back to the small run-down bar.

A/N: I started this a very long time ago and I'm not fully sure where it's going but I've got a vision. Soft Yoongi is my favorite, but feel free to let me know how deep this should go. I meant it as a oneshot but I can easily see myself going 20k words. I mean it's my ult bias, I would do that. lol

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