Feet in the Alley

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Y/n doesn't know exactly how it happened but by the time a month had passed, she was spending several nights a week at the bar.

Hobi had quickly adopted her as his new bestie and practically forced her to come and hang out on the slower nights so he wouldn't be bored. She didn't mind much, there wasn't exactly much for her to get home to and his company was well worth it.

Hoseok was one of the kindest and most genuine people she had ever met. His energy was addictive to be around despite the fact that she knew he had a deeper side to him that he didn't show as much.

After a week and a half, he had gotten her number and had been bothering her with texts constantly. Her students started teasing her soon after about her finally getting a boyfriend. She just waved them off and put her phone on silent while classes were in session.

He had also been trying to convince her to come and hang out with his friends, which she was slightly anxious about. Sitting in a public bar with him coming and going was one thing, this would be very different.

It was Thursday yet again, and she was at the bar in her normal booth, eyes closed as the music from the piano floated around her peacefully. 

"You sure you come here to hang out with me?"

Y/n sighs and opens her eyes as Hoseok slides into the booth across from her.

"You know it's calming. And yes I come to see you too. You're practically my only friend."

"That's why you should come meet the others, Yn!" He insists.

"I'm not good with new people, you know that, Hobi," She sighs, "I don't know how to be around one person let alone a group of people.

"You were fine with me!" Hoseok objects obstinately.

"Hobi..." Y/n drifts off, still unsure about it. They both look over when the music abruptly stops.

Yoongi has stopped playing, his hands resting on the bench beside his legs and his head hanging low in front of him.

"Let me see what's wrong," Hoseok says, his brow furrowed as he leaves Y/n on the bench.

Y/n watches apprehensively as Hoseok talks to the man and then walks with him into the back rooms.

He doesn't come back out for a long while. Y/n makes eye contact with Jimin the other staff on duty who shrugs at her, also unsure what is happening.

Y/n is thinking about just going home for the night when Hoseok finally comes back out, making a beeline for her table.

"He was feeling a bit sick. He went home, I'm sorry."

"It's fine Hobi, everyone has bad days. I'll let you guys get ready to close for the night."

Hoseok nods and walks with her, waving as she pushes the door open.

Y/n walks down the sidewalk and then turns into the alley next to the bar, taking her normal shortcut up the hill behind the building to get home faster.

She's so lost in thought that she doesn't see the feet in the middle of the alley until she trips over them, yelping as she tumbles to the ground.

She quickly looks around, suddenly finding herself sitting on the ground and her eyes meet two shining but sad brown ones.

They stare at each other for a long moment, neither of them speaking.

"Are you okay?" He finally asks, pulling his legs in towards his chest.

"Oh," Y/n nods quickly, "Yeah, I'm fine."

There is another long moment of silence as Y/n stares at the man with magic piano fingers.

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