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It's the next school day and I'm waiting for nagisa to be here, I had to leave my house early then I usually do because the tentacle pervert told me he gets here at 6:30 ugh why does he get here so early.
I look at the door, and then the time 6:29...6:30 the the doors open I look back at them to see nagisa "what the fuck, do you get here at exactly 6:30!" I asked "hm oh hello Mrs and yes I do!" He replied "but why are you here so early, you don't get here until 8:20?" He asked, I-i... Why does he know when I get here "I uhh needed to talk to you!" I say as a pull out my phone "okay, what is it?" He said as he walked to me "this" I say as I put my phone to where he can see the photo I took of him and asano yesterday.

"..." He didn't reply he just stared at the photo "now you can tell me what all has been happening between you guys or I show koro sinsei about you two and then he tells the whole class" I say and smirk shows up on my face. "Fine I'll tell you" he said.

~after tell her the stuff~

So what I have found out asano and nagisa has been dating for 2 years and rio is the only one that knows well besides me.

"Hey nagisa!" We hear someone sya nagisa turns around to look "oh hello rio" he said. Perfect "oh rio. Come here!" I said "hm?" She hummed as she came up to me "look what I have!" I said and showed her the picture of nagisa and asano "whaaa, is that where you went yesterday nagisa??" She asked "yeah" he said with a little blush then the door opened again it was a whole bunch of the class I put my phone up, nagisa and rio went to their desk, this is gonna be fun having this power!

Total words: 347

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