Heroes and Monsters

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Stolen Airship

The Wyvern flies past the hijacked Atlesian Airship, as Ruby Rose looks on, with the surrounding Griffons roaming the skies. A Griffon lands on the airship, but Ruby easily cuts it down with Crescent Rose, causing to disintegrate into black particles. But suddenly, she hears a snap, turning to see Neopolitan, now changing into her standard attire with a wave of light washing over her from bottom to top, as she winks after taking a picture of Ruby, sending it to a certain crime lord with the following text: Guess Who?

Roman: Oh, you can not be serious!

Having realized his old foe is interfering yet again, the wanted criminal quickly picks up Melodic Cudgel and walks up to the top of the airship.

With Scarlet

Scarlet uses his swords to climb unto the airship.

Scarlet: (while climbing) Don't worry, Ruby! I'm okay! I'm coming! Well, here I am trying to get to the top of this airship and there are Grimm flying around me. I'm surprised none of them are flying at me..... except for that one. (shoots down a flying Grimm)

Scarlet notices Roman walking towards Ruby and he climbs faster until he got to the edge on the airship.

Scarlet: Ruby!

Beacon's Dining Hall

Blake Belladonna backs away from the shattered window, staring in horror at her old partner.

Adam: Running away again? Is that what you've become, my love? A coward?

Blake: Why are you doing this?

Adam: You and I were going to change the world, remember? We were destined to light the fires of revolution! (He stomps on a downed Atlas student's chest) Consider this... the spark. (As a horrified Blake watches Adam draws Wilt, preparing to stab the student.)

Blake charges into the dining hall, drawing her sword in a flash. Her blade clashes with his as she pushes him away from the student, and they stand with their blades locked.

Blake: I'm... not... running.

Adam: You... will.

He kicks her away, knocking her onto the floor. A nearby Creep runs toward her, only to be shot by Adam.

Adam: But not before you suffer for your betrayal, my love.

He smiles and begins walking toward her.

Beacon Academy

Ash continues to terminate and kill Grimm alongside Kuki Sorario and Raptor Atesh who's knucklebrass made hardlight projection of claws. A group of Beowolves rushes at them. Ash and Raptor exchanges looks with Kuki and they nods at each other. They shouted the names of their attack as they kill Grimm.

Raptor's Theme Music

Ash: Tatsumaki Senpukyaku!

Kuki: Hyakuretsukyaku!

Raptor: Shoryureppa!

Kuki: Kikoken!

Ash: Hadoken!

Raptor: Shoryuken!

Kuki: Hosenka!

Ash: Shinku Hadoken!

Raptor: Shinku Shoryuken!

Kuki: Seishin Kikku!

Team ARMS Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now