Death trap

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"SHIT I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE" said a black hair male with. "SHOULD I USE A HELP CALL? NO, I CANT GET ANYONE CAUGHT UP IN THIS" said Max. he scrolled through his contacts and sent a help call to Alex. "GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE HURRY PLEASE" Max said in fear. Out of nowhere a guy in a doll costume slit Max's throat he fell to the ground and blood was gushing out of the cut.



Alex was sitting at his desk and Sam asked if he has seen Max.

"no i havent seen Max but he sent me a weird app at like 3 in the morning"

"What app?" Sam asked.

"It says darwins game"

" i will talk to you about it later i will drive to your house and tell you all you need to know" said sam.

Alex didnt know why he was being like that so he opened the app and a snake popped out and bit him he passed out and woke up in the nurses office. he went home and rode the train and started a match on darwins game 

<Alex vs Nate the doll>

The man in the doll costume appeared on the train and started shooting a gun at him Alex took cover and then ran off the train. he ran to the nearest gun store and jumped over the counter and grabbed a minigun.  the man in the doll costume walked in the gun store and shot the man working behind the counter Alex popped up behind the counter and started shooting everywhere. then the man in the costume grabbed a knife off his belt and he had around 50  he threw the knife and it curved in the air. Alex just pulled back on the gun even more then saw a box of gernades and put them in his bag. He pulled the pin and threw a gernade at the man and ran out the back door Alex checked his phone and saw there was a tracker and saw exactly where the man trying to kill him was. the man cornered him and there was only a minute left on the timer Alex used a pistol and shot the man in the hand leg chest and head.

<winner Alex>

Alex knew he had killed someone and then saw he could transfer points in money but he didnt know why this was called a game.

<new event swipe up for the details>

Alex swiped up and read the details.

<king gambit event a battle royale survive through the whole event for 5 million points each survivor if you kill other players you will get the points they had and there will be drop zones each drop zone has from 1000 points to 1 million points the tracker is not in use in this event.>

"what the hell" Alex said

"And its in a hour" he said in disbelief.

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