The battle royale

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Alex was teleported to a big area and then his phone got a message.

<Let the battle begin!!!>

Alex heard gun shots all around him he looked at his phone and a section said sigil he had no clue what that meant but it said builder under the sigil section.  he was in a big hotel he went down to the lobby and was cornered.

"i knew i should have brought something" he thought

"unless i get an ability like everyone else here i might stand a chance" he thought

Alex suddenly saw bricks floating he pushed his hand forward and launched the bricks at the people trying to kill him. He knocked them out and then made sharp metal spears and stabbed them in the back. he got 30,000 points from all 3 combined. He knew if he used his sigil wisely he might be able to rack up some points he used his sigil to make a trap he had sharp spikes in the air ready to drop on people. he stood behind the trap with a wall behind him and he gathered up maybe 500 people and then made walls closing them in and dropped the spikes. there was only 3 minutes left in the event so he stood on bricks moving them to fly around and killed as many people as he could.

<The event is done the person who got the most points was Alex the bloodhound with 9 million points from killing and bonus points that brings him to 14 million points>

Alex was now an A ranked player but he wanted to find people all across the world to fight he had heard stories about a undefeated player in japan named shuka.  Alex kept trying to get his sigil stronger by making bigger things and once he did he challenged Shuka.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2023 ⏰

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