Chapter Six

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Eddie and I eventually left the diner and I drove us back to Steve's to check up on the part goers. As we climbed out of my car, Eddie caught my hand and pulled me to a stop. "V stop. Wait a minute." I raised my eyebrows questioningly at him. "V thank you for trusting me. And I really am sorry about what happened. I know sorry doesn't mean anything and can't fix anything. But I really am. I'm also sorry I pierced on you in the locker room at your match the night I met you. I saw a hot chick in her underwear and couldn't help myself. No excuse I know."

I gave him a small smile and squeezed his hand. "Thanks Eds. Really. And I'm sorry I judged you harshly before. Dustin was right about you. And Joyce." He gave me a toothy grin and I pulled him in the direction of the house. "Come on new friend. Let's see how messy everyone else is."

As we entered the house it was chaotic. Robin and Steve were standing in the kitchen squabbling drunkenly over God knows what, people everywhere were drunk, stoned or a combination of the two. The smell of weed and spilled beer was everywhere. "Where's Hargrove?" Eddie asked as we looked around the party.

I heard loud chanting coming from the back yard where the keg was and rolled my eyes. "I've got an idea of where he could be. Eddie and I walked towards the back door and saw Billy being held up in a keg stand. "47! 48! 49! 50!" He flipped back down on his feet, spraying beer from his mouth in to the air. His shirt was long gone and he wore only his leather jacket on his upper half.

He took a drag on the cigarette in his hand as he shook his other fist over his head in victory. He saw me and beelined it to me. "Veeeee!" He pulled me in to a sweaty hug, my nose wrinkling at the smell of beer, weed and sweat on his skin as he smushed my face in to his chest. "Eww Billy get off! You're all sweaty!" I shoved him off me as he cackled.

"V we both hit new PB's tonight!" "So I see! Billy you need to drink some water." "Booo!" He made a fart noise with his mouth and grinned at me manically. "Water Hargrove! Now! I'm driving you home and if you vomit in the Riv I swear I will rub your face in it!" He rolled his eyes before twisting the cap off the bottle of water I handed him, knocking it back in a few seconds.

"What's this about you hitting a PB Violet?" I turned back to Eddie. "I hit a PB for points at derby tonight." "Munson she didn't just pass her old PB she absolutely smashed it! My girl kicked ass! Literally! One girl pissed her off too much so Violet literally kicked her in the ass with her skate!" Eddie snorted and then cackled along with a very drunk Billy. "Good job V." Eddie high fived me as Billy wrapped an arm around my shoulders again.

"She got to me V." "Who did?" "Vanessa. Hey her name starts with V too!" "Billy?" "She got to me. Her and her shiny hair and her big tits. And she didn't want me. Why didn't she want me V?"



Billy had caught feelings for someone?

"Billy you're very drunk and she thought you had a girlfriend." "No one ever says no to me though. I never miss out on sealing the deal. But that insanely pretty girl with the really shiny hair barely looked at me. I can't stop thinking about her V."

He slumped in to a deck chair next to Steve's pool and threw his head down on the cushion. Eddie and I looked at each other and smirked. Before too long loud snores came from Billy's mouth. He was out cold. I sighed and said "how the fuck am I going to get you home now Billy?" "You can stay here V. You all can. Party's winding down."

I turned to see Steve walking out of the house with Robin close behind him.


I was pissed. I was beyond angry. What Violet had told me shook me to my core. It was unfathomable that any man could treat any woman, let alone their own girlfriend who they supposedly care for, the same way V's ex had treated her. He raped her, beat her and left her for dead after letting his best friend have a go.

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