Chapter 2

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Fourth POV

She pulled me towards the door so fast that I didn't even have the time to say goodbye to Gem. To be honest, I feel bad for him. It's not the first time this kind of thing happened and no matter what, he still stayed by my side. I know he doesn't really agree with my relationship with Soraya because of all of the hurt she caused me but I just can't let her go. I keep coming back to her, I love her so much and I wish we would do the same but we can dream right. She was just talking and talking and to be honest, I wasn't even listening to her. I was still thinking about my best friend that I left there alone.

"Are you even listening to me" she said while screaming, she startled me a little


"Yes that's what I thought, you're so useless puff" she continues while screaming

"I know okay, I'm sorry but can you please stop screaming people are looking at us" I said whispering a little

"Why, they should all know how Fourth Nattawat is incapable of doing anything, even listening to his girlfriend"

"I said I'm sorry okay, I will do whatever you want but stop making a scene" I said

"oh ok" she simply said while smiling

We were both walking hand in hand towards the secret exit to avoid the paparazzi and the fans, people don't know that we're together. She met the rest of the boys in the way

"oh I didn't know that you were here Soraya" Mark said

"of course I had to be here and support my amazing boyfriend" she said

"oh and yet you came at end, what a great support" Ford said

I gave him a look that meant 'not right now please'. she didn't answer anyway so we avoided another scene

-" oh but where is Gemini, I thought you were supposed to spend the night together with him?" Aun said

- "Yeah but..." I started but she interrupted me

- "Don't you see that I'm here? He is going to spend the night with me because I'm the most important idiot. Fourth let's go" she pulled once and I briefly waved goodbye to the rest while making a mental note to apologize for her behavior tomorrow.

-"Can't you be a bit kind? He was just asking a question" I said to her

- "Well I don't answer to don't questions, maybe you do looking at your IQ level, but not me"

What she said hurted me, yes, but I was so used to it that it didn't hurt anymore. She suddenly lets go of my hand and said:

"We're close to the exit, so you go first and I will follow. We won't take the same care too or it would be too suspicious, so don't wait for me. People can't see us together"

Oh yeah, she's the reason why we're not public yet. She said it could ruin her career being seen with me so it's better to keep it secret. I just nodded and went out straight to the car, once I'm in I sat and told the driver to go directly to my apartment. I sighed and just realized that it is going to be a really long night. 

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