Picnic Trouble

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The sunrises coming up and shine telling sleeping soundless memes to start there morning.

Except for one person who was still sleeping soundless except for a couple of snoring noises.

A single ray of light hits a sleeping eggdog witch caused the pup to wake up from the light, the dog stretch it's small round body as well yawn.

As the little pup bounced toward his master/father figure, the pup licked his master face with his sloppy tongue.

Witch did nothing the man was out cold, after all the man didn't sleep but his son wasn't going to give up one last attempt the dog jumped on Smg3 stomach.

"Gah!" Smg3 yelled as he shot up from his slumber to see his exited son.

"Hmm morning to you to bud." As Smg3
Petted his son

Meanwhile at the Castle

Smg4 was typing away at his computer until he stopped for a moment.

To ponder what 3 is doing maybe he should text him or maybe called him.

As 4 grabed his phone and try to call 3.

Which he doesn't answer which made 4 worried more.

He called again no answer panic 4 felt he called again and again and again he'll even text him nothing which kept him more and more paranoid for 3 concerned.

Back at the Internet Graveyard

As 3 got up try to start his sad exiting day .

"Sigh." Smg3 sighed as he walked towards his desk and grabbed his glasses
And his phone to check as he did he saw he got 40 missed calls from Smg4.

Smg3 was calling Smg4 back.

Back at the Castle
Smg4 see that 3 was calling him.
Thank God Smg4 thought as he answered.

"Hay 4 I'm so sorry I kinda lost track of time." Smg3 said.

"I'm just glad your okay you worried me I thought something bad happen to you." Smg4 said out of worried.

"I'm sorry 4 is there anyway to fix this."Smg3 said.

"Well I guess meggy and Mario and me are going on a picnic and they want to hang out with you and a sorry for yesterday." Smg4 said out of happiness.

"Sure I guess."Smg3 said.

"Great can't wait to see you again :)" Smg4 said

4 saw that 3 hang up.

As 4 walked down stairs to meet up with Meggy and her girlfriend Melony and Meggy's brother Mario.

"Hay guys Smg3 said yes to hangout with us at the picnic." As Smg4 smiled happily.

"That's great 4!" Meggy said as she put her hand on her hip.

"Yaho let's a go." As Mario starts to spin in a cercial.

"My dad is coming I can't wait to see him." Melony said as she had sparkles in her eyes.

"Then let's get going!" Smg4 said with excitement in his voice.

As the whole gang exit the Castle and go to the park where they were going to have their picnic.

Melony, and Meggy, and Mario, same with Smg4 were waiting for Smg3 he was taking a longer time.

Meanwhile with Smg3 he was still getting ready he grabbed his son eggdog.

As 3 open a portal and there they were waiting for him.

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