Gustholomule sleepover

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This includes a short gustholomule story. Feel free to skip if you like. They are not dating in this btw. Request from@mehellomyfriend <3

Mat and Gus chat


Matt: hey squirt

Gus: hey Matty

Matt: I'm so bored, wydddd

Gus: nothing and same

Matt: wanna hang out

Gus: sure come over at 4

Matt: that's so long away

Gus: it gives u time to have a shower, I don't want u coming here smelling bad


Gus: yeah yeah whatever Jerk see u soon <3




Matt: idk it just seemed easier.


- Short story part -

Gus walked to his window opening it causing Matt to fall inside his room. Gus quickly moved out the way making matt fall straight on his back on the floor, when matt looked up he saw Gus staring down at him laughing with his hand slightly covering his mouth. " what are you laughing about stupid" Matt said annoyed as he stood up dusting of his pants. Gus just laughed at him, after calming down they settled on a movie to watch. Matt was meant to only stay for a few hours but as neither of them checked the weather he was stuck there all night with the boiling rain trapping him. They desided a movie to watch and it was a horror called "IT". Gus explained that is was a popular movie in the human realm and Luz let him have it, he put the movie on and Matt looked very unimpressed as it was not scary at all yet, it was only a boy in a raincoat? " this is soooooo boarding" Matt said leaning back on the Bed, as he stuffed popcorn in his mouth. " iM Eann i ony a bo in a raicot" He said with a mouthful of popcorn, " just wait" Gus said smirking, Matt looked at him squinting his eyes than went back to the movie. " AHH WHAT THE HELL" Matt yelled grabbinfon to Gus's arm and chocking on his popcorn. "SH1T" Gus said hitting Matt on the back to help him to stop choking and handing him a glass of water. Finally Matt stopped chocking and said " I thought you didn't swear? Arnt you the innocent one". " really, you almost died and your talking about that. What about the fact your still holding on to my arm after the jump scare" Gus said looking down at mat. Matt made a weird noise sounding like "Eep" as he let go and scrambled to sit on the bed normally again, his face went a dark shade of red. " aww are u embarrassed, cmon what's wrong with holding on to someone's arm when your scared, I've seen heaps of kids do it" Gus said as he looked over to Matt placing his hand on Matt's face to tease him and make him more flustered. Matt turned even reder if that was possible, he gulped. Than SWOOSH the door swung open " hey kid dinners ready, is Matt still comi-" Perry said than saw what was happening, " am I interrupting something" Perry said slowly stepping back from the door. " NO" both boys said in unison as they jumped back away from each other. " okk well dinners ready come down when your ready." Perry said as he closed the door. Both boys stayed tense until the footsteps faded away, as they did they both exhaled as they have been holding there breath for some time. They both looked at each other than turned a dark red and looked away, Matt looked at the floor as Gus looked at his hands fidgeting with them. " um we should go downstairs" Gus said quietly, " yeah sure..." Matt said. They both went downstairs and ate dinner in an uncomfortable silence although Perry did try to make some small talk. Gus and Matt both walked back up to his room after eating dinner " so what do u want to do now?" Gus asked. " well it's already 10:30 so we could watch a movie and sleep?" Matt said but it sounded more as a question. They both agreed and went in to Gus's bed, they put on the movie "sponge bob" the 3D looking one as they wanted something more happy so they could recover from watching "IT". They put on the movie as they both sat up against the bed frame, 10 minutes into the movie Gus got tired and rested his head on Matt's sholder as he wasn't quite ready to sleep yet, Matt put his arm around Gus as he was worried Gus would fall asleep and fall... somehow? Atleast that was what he was telling himself. Another 30 minutes go by and Gus decided he will sleep now he slides down so he is laying on his bed instead of sitting, he looks up and Matt and tugs his sleeve signalling for him to lay down to, Matt looks down at him and lays down aswel. As soon as he lays down he feels a shiver go down his spine as the bed is freezing, after a second Gus cuddles out to Matt placing his head on Matt's chest and hugging him. Matt raps his arms around Gus. " goodnight Jerk" Gus says as he snuggles in to Matt more, " goodnight squirt" Matt says as he slowly closes his eyes and they fall asleep holding each other wondering what will happen the next day.

931 WORDS WOOO HOO!! I love this lots it is very cute. I hope u like it and sorry for bad spelling. Gustholomule is the bestttt. I love u all remember to eat, drink and get some sleep <3

Room so u don't scroll on to a add , ily :)

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