Howl Pendragon x Reader

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Y/Ns pronouns will be she/her for this oneshot

Y/N POV: I was running around the castle playing with Markl holding my stuffie while waiting for dada Howl to come back, that was until I notice an old lady sleeping by calcifer. I ask him "Calcifew who's dis lady? Did dada let hew in?" He chuckles, "No she just wandered in from the wastes." My eyes widen, "Da wastes?? Didn't dada say dat if chu are fwom da wastes dat dey are a witch??" Calcifer nods, "He did, so for your safety Y/N since Markl has to work the shops you should head up to you and Howls room and stay there until Howl comes back." I nod, "Otay calcifew!" I run upstairs.

Timeskip to when Howl comes back Howls POV: I walk in and I notice a random old woman making breakfast with Markl but I don't see Y/N, "Markl where's Y/N?" He looks at me, "She's in your room since this old woman waltzed in from the wastes." I nod "Okay I will help make food here and you should go set the table and get Y/N from my room." He nods and runs upstairs. Soon Y/N and Markl walk downstairs but Y/N was hesitant. I look at her and give her a reassuring smile, "It's okay my little star she won't hurt you." She nods and starts running towards me while hugging me "I mwissed chu dada!" I smile as I hug her, "I missed you to my little star" she smiles and begins to eat her breakfast and she sits next to Markl. I sit down and ask Sophie what she had in her pocket. She looks up and takes out a piece of paper, handing it to me. I try grabbing it but it reveals that it's a scorch mark. Y/N whimpers and hides behind her stuffie. I sigh telling her it's okay as I read the scorch marks. Y/N looks at me and asks, "Is it fwom da witch of da wastes dada?" I nod and we finish our breakfast as I head to the bathroom

Timeskip to the evening-Howls POV: I help Y/N take a bath as she tries to splash bubbles around as I try to wash her hair and I begin to chuckle, "Y/N sweetie I need to wash your hair!" She giggles, "Bu I wanna pway dada!!" I smile and say that she can play AFTER her bath. She sighs before finally complying and sits still. After her bath she begins to run around playing until she trips over and she starts to cry. I run over and I lean over and I clean her knee. She sniffles and yawns slightly. I smile and I pick her and her stuffie up, "Okay angel it's seems like it's your bed time." She whines muttering, "Nuh uh dada m not seepyyy." I sigh and say, "Yes you're very sleepy angel." I rock her and I walk to our room and put Markl in his room and leave Sophie downstairs. Y/N sleepily lays down with me and we fall asleep together.


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