Chapter 15 - Aftermath

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Padme Amidala

I've had the feeling something was wrong all day, especially over the past few hours. It's grown worse since the sun started setting. I just know, instinctively, that something bad is happening.

It's dark outside now, and we can see a fire burning the Jedi Temple. Fires on Coruscant are unheard of, even if they happen in some places, and I have no idea what's happening. That's the Jedi Temple, and the last time we saw it smoking was when it was bombed many months ago. And where are Anakin and Aniya? Are they alright?

"The Chancellor's office indicated Master Anakin and Mistress Aniya returned to the Jedi Temple. Don't worry. I'm sure they'll be all right," Threepio tells us before hurrying off, leaving Jaufre and I alone in my living room.

I don't know what's happening, but the war was supposed to be coming to an end.

So, why is the Temple burning? Somehow, someone must be attacking it, and I don't know how that's possible or what's happening or anything. I know the twins are there, and I have no idea if they're alright. This doesn't...

"Are we going to stand here all night?" Jaufre asks, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"What are we supposed to do?" I query, sounding as strangled as I feel. "We can't go there. If it's caused so much damage to the Temple, that would be too dangerous." And I'm not going to risk my child like that.

"Who could be doing this?"

"I have no idea." He looks as helpless as I feel. It's hard to think that only days ago, everything seemed happy and like we could be alright. That already seems like a lifetime ago.

I don't have anything more to say than that – how could I? For how exhausted I am, I can't sleep when something so dangerous is happening. I know full well that if someone is attacking the Jedi, if they're gone, the attackers can do anything, and no one will be able to stop it.

"I would go see for myself," Jaufre says, "But I don't want to risk leaving you."

I'm grateful for that, I have to admit. If I weren't so afraid, I would ask him to, anyway, but I don't know if I can trust anyone outside of him right now. I want to, but there's so much corruption and... and I don't understand how this is happening.

We wait for hours, unable to sleep, unwilling to even try. Eventually, we sit down on the couch together, and we stay there until it's towards dawn. The horizon is just starting to lighten when the twins finally, finally arrive.

I run to them the moment they climb out of their fighters. "Are you alright? I heard there was an attack on the Jedi Temple. You can see the smoke from here."

"We could see the fire from here, actually. The glow, anyway," Jaufre corrects, "What's happening?"

"We're fine," Anakin promises, waving off his concern, but that fact alone is enough to tell me it's not true. Something is very, very wrong, and even if the twins weren't hurt, how many people were? How could this have happened? "We came to see if you and the baby are safe."

"The Jedi tried to overthrow the Republic," Aniya answers. She looks distant, only half present, and...

Jaufre moves forwards, pulling Aniya into a tight embrace. "Tell us everything," he requests, "I can't believe the Jedi would do something like that."

"I would not have either," Anakin replies, "But we saw Master Windu attempt to assassinate the Chancellor ourselves."

It's – I can't believe the Jedi would do something like that. I know them. They're peacekeepers. They're... well, they may have flaws and overlook people sometimes, but not like this. They would never try to seize control. I know that much. But still, the twins would never lie about something like this, either.

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