chapter 1

9 2 0

Shuichi pov.

fuck fuck fuck fuck... i overslept.

i checked my phone again. 9:39am. i missed the morning assembly, first hour, and i'm currently missing second. i checked my messages. nothing. i wasn't surprised, as i oversleep often.

but, kokichi usually messages me when he's in front of my house, or leaving because i overslept. maybe he has intuition at this point. this definitely isn't the first time i've overslept. I cast all unnecessary thoughts away, and drowsily made my way to the shower. even if i'm late, i'm not planning on making a bigger scene by stinking up the classroom.

i laughed to myself as i imagined myself with those cartoonish stink fumes surrounding me as i entered the classroom, everyone looking utterly mortified at how strong and nauseating the stench is. the teacher covers their nose, and-


The sound of the shower water turning on snapped me out of the unrealistic scenario, and i stepped into the shower.


after i finished getting ready, i decided that it would be pointless to get uncle to drive me to school in the middle of 2nd hour, and decided to just leisure around until 4th hour. i wouldn't exactly miss anything, as 2nd hour isn't the hardest class, and 3rd hour is physical education... kaito always hounded me to take it more seriously, to "be the man i should be".

"kaito is a dumbass... a loveable dumbass i guess but mostly a dumbass," i sighed, rereading the danganronpa manga on a pirated website. oops? i do have the paper copies, but these are the newer chapters not yet printed. "god, i sound like a loser even in my inner monologue..."

that reminds me, kaede wanted the new ibuki figure... i thought to myself, sighing as i checked the shop's website that usually has them. they had 10 left. wait... it says i can't order it online?! fuck...

location wasn't the issue here. it's anxiety. and the fact that the stupid kyoko bunny figurine was there. don't get me wrong, i love kyoko - but what drove the creator to make this kind of merch.. i reluctantly searched the item up on the shop website.

sold out.

i let out a sigh of relief. that's 50% of the problem solved.. i'll just go to the store when it's near closing time; then it won't be as crowded as it would be during the afternoon. or maybe i'll go directly after opening time, because there'd be less people.

i sighed in defeat. i'll tell her to get it herself. and to get a job.

i stood up and stretched, swiftly checking the clock as i brushed my hair with my fingers. 11:19am. i think now would be a good time to ask uncle to drive me... maybe.

before asking him that, i decided to text kaede, one of my few friends who shares 4th hour with me.

        kaede 🖤⛓️💔

                      kaede is the teacher in?

are you that fucking dumb

                    ??? wtf r u talking abt 💀

omg idk maybe ask ur fucking                                               boyfriend??

                      i'm literally not dating                           anyone but okay!!

kokichi. i mean kokichi.

dumb. dumb as hell.


okay that was... weird? i can't tell at this point with kaede... she's always been weird, but calling kokichi my boyfriend?

might as well text him since he probably knows.

          kokichi 🫨

                    kokichi is the teacher in????


                   idk cuz kaede told me to ask                            you sooo ya

shuichi it's fucking saturday


I turned my phone off and slammed it against my lap. it's a fucking saturday. is that why kokichi didn't text me? is that why the group chat wasn't flooded with shit talking the annoying teachers? in my imagination i'm the super high-school level detective, but i couldn't even see the date on my fucking lock screen, i shunned myself in my thoughts, before taking a deep breath and collapsing onto my bed.

i unlocked my phone and went to the group chat, which was flooded with pictures of justin bieber.

          justin bieber fanclub 😍

kaede 🖤⛓️💔

cause you areee a piece of meee

                      i'm going to end my                               life

heyy guys sry this is shortish i js wanted to get it out!!

it looks a lil slow moving but i ain't shoving them into a storage room to confess their feelings 4 each other and then make out sorry if that disappoints you!!


709 words

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