😑 A Very Lucky Friend 😑

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I don't know why but I can just imagine that a Ffidyll and a Boo'qwurm being really good friends so imma write a story about that.

Character(s): Charm (a Ffidyll), Linny (a Boo'qwurm)

No one's POV:

 Charm was packing up her things on Faerie Island because it was no longer CloverSpell, so she decided to leave. Once she was done packing, she put her stuff into a hot air balloon. She then got into the hot air balloon and waved goodbye to all the other monsters on Faerie Island.

1 or 2 hours later, still No one's POV:

 The hot air balloon Charm was in made it to Seasonal Shanty without any troubles. She realized it was a little less chaotic than usual, maybe because it was no one's season yet. Charm then grabbed her stuff and was walking towards the castle to put up her things up in her room (in each castle, every monster gets their own room, so it's like an apartment). She wasn't paying attention when suddenly, she bumped into a tall and slimey seasonal.

Charm: " Opps, I'm so sorry. "

Linny: " That's ok. "

Charm's POV:

 I looked up and said sorry to the seasonal I had bumped into. They were tall, blue, slimey, had a second pair of arms, and they had a second mouth on their head? They said something which broke me out of my trance.

Linny: " Are you, ok? "

 " Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, it's just, I'm fascinated by the way you look. What, what type of seasonal are you? "

Linny: " Me? I'm a Boo'qwurm "

 I couldn't help but stare, which made me look weird. I asked them what their name was and they said it was Linny, then I told them my name. " Wanna talk some more tomorrow? "

Linny " Sure. "

 I saw a smile appear on their face which made me smile. I said goodbye to them, and they said goodbye back. I then started to walk away towards the direction of the castle, which took a few minutes. Eventually, I got to my room and put my things up. I laid down on my bed happy that I had made a good friend.

It's the next morning, No one's POV:

 Charm woke up from her rest excided because she was able to talk to her new friend Linny more. She decided to get her some breakfast for her and Linny from the bakery because she thought it was a nice thing to do.

A few minutes later, Charm's POV:

 I had gotten 1 loaf bread, 2 cupcakes, and a dozen doughnuts from the bakery because I was hungry and I'm pretty sure Linny is too. I looked around the Island a little, but I couldn't find Linny, so I found a bench to put the food on and sat down on the bench waiting for Linny to arrive.

Linny's POV:

 I woke up from my rest wondering what to do today. I then realized I was supposed to talk to Charm this morning, I bet they're waiting for me outside. I grabbed myself a book and ' walked ' (and by walked I mean slide because it has no legs- Wait, how does a Boo'qwurm move?) out of my room, then out of the castle. I looked around when I had saw Charm sitting on a bench. They looked like they were waiting for something or someone, which was probably me. I went over there as fast as I could to say hi to Charm.

Charm: " Oh, hello Linny! It felt like ages waiting for you, what took you so long? "

 " Sorry about that, I slept in. "

Charm: " That's alright, would you like some breakfast? "

 " Yes please. " Charm then handed me over half a loaf of bread, 1 cupcake, and 6 doughnuts. " Damn, that's a lot of doughnuts. " Charm giggled a little bit which made me giggle.

No one's POV:

 Charm and Linny talked about themselves for a little while, then they started talking about funny things that happened to them when they were younger, then troubles they have been going through. They talked about anything that came to their minds. Soon after they were done, they had realized that they have talked for almost the whole day. It was dark out, so Charm and Linny decided to go to the castle to rest, but before they did that, Charm gave Linny a piece of paper.

Linny's POV:

 Charm gave me a piece of paper before we left to go to our rooms, and she told me to open the paper when I get to my room. It took me a few minutes, but eventually I found my room and went inside. I sat down on my bed and opened the paper had Charm's phone number on it. I immediately started looking all over my room for my phone so I could put her number on it.

A few minutes later, No one's POV:

Linny had finally found her phone, then she put Charm's number on it. She then put her phone up in a drawer where she can find it. Then Linny laid down in her bed falling asleep while smiling.

I hope yall enjoyed this.

Have a good life and may God bless you.

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