Untitled Part 29

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had a horrible dream, second time in my life I woke screaming/shouting. I dreamed that I was trapped in a room, and no matter what I did I could not escape. Every time I thought I did, I would end up back in that room. There was a man who was dangerous, he ended up killing me by plunging an axe into my chest. No-one would help me, even though they were there. The man hit me with the axe again and again, and I could not move. The first blow made me collapse and I was helpless on the ground. And I was scared before every time he hit me. I got out of the room again (or I thought I did) and even though I was outside in a field by the sea I was still inside the room somehow, there was a voice mocking me, it was merciless. And so I jumped off the cliff into the sea. And that is when I woke up.
What does this even mean? :( And why is this happening?
Please hoping it won't happen for a third time. It's just so horrible. 

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