Finding out pt 2

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Sonic POV

3 months. It's been 3 months since I last saw him. He's still in the hospital. I haven't seen those ocean blue eyes in 3 months. 3 whole MONTHS.
Holy sheet.

Tails POV

My eyes fluttered open. I was in a strange white room with all sorts of wires connected to me. Where the chocolate fudge am I?! I thought to myself. I noticed a strange mask on my face. Looking to the left, I saw a huge window. I thought I could call for help, but nothing came out of my mouth. Just a bunch of squeaks. I look down and see a bloody bandage on my abdomen. Oh, I thought. I must be in a hospital or something. But where is everyone? Suddenly, I see a group of what I think we're doctors. They noticed me. I couldn't hear anything, so I think they were calling someone.

 A tale of 2 Tails {Sonic fan fiction}Where stories live. Discover now