Letting Go of Greatest Love

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Jennie Kim is Lisa Manoban's classmate, but Jennie is the class president in their room, and Lisa is the only person Jennie avoids for reasons that cannot be explained. Jennie does not want to talk to or approach Lisa even if she needs her, and they are always in the same group for every subject, which seems like fate playing tricks on Jennie. Even though Jennie does not want Lisa to be in her group, the teachers always include her, and Jennie cannot do anything about it. Every time Jennie needs something, she does not tell Lisa she needs it or will borrow it. Instead, Jennie hints at it, and Lisa knows that Jennie is referring to her. Lisa gets irritated with Jennie because she keeps doing this repeatedly, but Lisa just tolerates Jennie's behavior, even if she cannot understand why Jennie seems distant from her. Jennie always stares at Lisa, and Lisa catches her doing it. Jennie's gazes make Lisa wonder if something is wrong, but she convinces herself that it's just a coincidence. However, Jennie's gazes indicate that she is avoiding the truth that she has fallen for Lisa since the beginning and chose to stay away from her. Jennie is developing feelings for Lisa, but Lisa does not know about it because she does not understand love. Lisa's eyes are teary with the love she feels for Jennie, but Jennie's eyes are also saying something else. They reveal that she has loved Lisa since the beginning, but her mind is blocking her heart from saying it outright.

End flashback

Rose: Can you tell me if it's still me?
Lisa: Yes, ma'am.
Rose: Did I really become the one in your heart?
Lisa: You know that...
Rose: Yes, I know you admire me. Yes, I know you're grateful for meeting me. Yes, I know you're happy, but I also know that the happiness you feel is not from your heart.
Lisa: Ma'am, you know that I'm broken, you know how much I've been hurt.
Rose: It's been years, I've been trying to mend you for years.
Lisa: Ma'am, I told you that you can never mend me because first of all, you're not the reason for my brokenness. Secondly, it was Jennie who caused it, so you should not try to fix something that you didn't break.
Rose: Just tell me, is it still her? Is it still Jennie Kim? (Tears start to fall)
Lisa: Ma'am, you know that I can never go back to someone who hurt me so much, so what kind of question is that?
Rose: Just answer me! Do you still love her? (Tears are flowing uncontrollably and I'm in so much pain)
Lisa: Ma'am, where is this question coming from?
Rose: I saw you both... (I kneel down and cry)
Lisa: Ma'am, what are you talking about?
Rose: I was there when you saw each other again... (I'm feeling so much pain right now)


Rose's POV:

I'll pick her up early now that my teaching for the kids is over. It's still early so I'm sure her class hasn't ended yet, and they're not yet dismissed (after a few minutes). I'm now in front of their school and about to go in, excited to see her while someone is teaching them because I've never been here early before, I always arrive when they're about to go home. Then... (I stopped walking because I saw Lisa and Jennie staring at each other, and you can really see in their eyes that they have feelings for each other, you can see their love for each other that they have never expressed. Seeing the two of them hurt me, I felt like I was being crushed by what I saw in their eyes. I even saw them shed tears at the same time when they looked away from each other).

End of flashback.

Lisa: Mam...
Rose: You don't need to apologize, I see that both of you are hurting, both have a love for each other that can never be matched. As I watched you, I realized that you still have love for each other while I am just not in your heart. That's why I am letting you go, not you, but I am letting myself go from you, letting go of the love that I have for you. *tears started to fall down my face
Lisa: Mam, you know I can't let you go, you know I can't see you like this.
Rose: But we both know that you can't live without me, but you don't need me in your life.
Lisa: Mam, I am hurting, please don't do this to me, please don't add to the pain that the person who hurt me caused. *begging
Rose: Do you want me to stay with you? To suffer with the pain that you are feeling? I knew from the beginning that I could never match your greatest love, I could never fight against Jennie, so let's just set each other free. I will go away and forget about you, but you should forgive yourself to accept the past and love yourself so you can heal from your past.
Lisa: But mam, not everyone who is left alone realizes what they lost, not everyone can heal from the wounds of the past. Please mam, I'm begging you, don't do this to me, don't give up on me. Is there really no one who can match or surpass the love that I had for her that I never gave up on her? Mam, please don't do this to me, am I really that easy to give up? Am I the only one struggling to let go of what needs to be let go of? Is there really no one who can make me feel that I am not easy to give up on? Mam, please don't do this to me, I thought you were different, I thought you would fight for me, even if it's just for yourself. I thought you would wait for me, just like how I waited for her, I thought you would make me feel what they made me feel.
Rose: Lisa...
Lisa: Yes, mam, I am looking for those things, yes, mam, I didn't tell you because I wanted you to do it on your own, I wanted you to make me feel the things that the world deprived me of, but it seems like I am still being deprived of them by the world. I thought the world chose me this time, but I guess I was wrong. Yes, mam, I want you to understand me without me having to explain it to you because that's also what the world took away from me, that no matter how much you try to make them understand, they won't. Yes, you may try to understand me, but you will never be able to understand me like they did.
Rose: Now I realize everything, is that why you're like this with your greatest love?
Lisa: Yes, ma'am, I am hoping. I hope that he will explain everything to me. I hope that he will change. I hope that we will be okay despite the years that have passed. But I was wrong because until now, he is still like that. He still denies his true feelings. Until now, he cannot fully understand and accept me. So, please, ma'am, I am begging you, don't leave me completely.

Rose: Forgive me if I cannot understand you, even if I try my best. Forgive me if I did not do the things that were denied to you. I thought that everything was just because of your greatest love, but I was wrong. I was also hurt, that's why this happened.

Lisa: Please forgive me too, ma'am, if I just wanted you to understand everything on your own. Forgive me because I know that not telling you immediately hurt you deeply. But I hope you understand that I just want to feel the things that this world has deprived me of for so long.

Many years passed, and Lisa fell in love again. In this new love, Lisa was finally in the right place because the person she once admired, Rose, is now the one she loves. They are both happy now and in love, and they finally got married in Thailand and started a new life there.


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