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[] Ability's  or magic
() Thoughts of characters
{} Talking to Ciel
[{}] Thought communication
() POV's


Hinata's POV:
Currently I have a huge predicament in which I have no words to describe the emotional turmoil nor my embarrassment that I am currently feeling.

What is this problem I'm facing, well how about the fact that I'm in love with a Slime

That slime somehow became a god like being that again some how Surpassed the creator of this world known as Veldanava

When I found out I was quite surprised no very surprise as this slime only appeared 2 or so year ago yet grow to this level of strength in this short of a time

Yet with all of this the reason I myself fell in love with this slime couldn't be because of the fact he a god no it is much more simple

The reason I fell in love with the being called Rimuru is that he somehow managed to revive the only person that showed me love

That person is named Shizue Izawa my beloved mentor and the only person at the time that I genuinely cared for deeply as she was my teacher that showed me how to survive in this world that I was summoned to against my will

The way me and Rimuru meet wasn't very pleasant to say the very least as I heard from a eastern empire merchant that he was the one that killed my former teacher and in my new found rage I sought to avenge my teacher and kill him

However to my upmost surprise he not only survived put became a demon lord much to his dismay and killed the entire Farmines army and later on challenged me to a duel after killing the infamous thorn to his side named Clayman

Yet the Seven Clergy tampered with his message in an attempt to have either one of us taken down to further their own agenda for great power

Rimuru having found this out to late as I had a hole blown to me in my chest by the sword they gave me by an explosion by said sword

Our savor came in the form of a demon lord posing as a god named Luminous Valentine how mercilessly killed the remaining Seven Clergy and revived me as Rimuru held me which... made me feel... n-nice

Anyway Luminous failed in her mission to kill the remainder of the Clergy as the survivor whose name is Grandbell attack her with his conspirer namely my countryman who later on killed by Rimuru freed Luminous grand treasure the very thing that she would do anything to protect

Or to be more specific the her who held a very important place in our hearts the True hero Chloe O Bell who was controlled by Chronoa was rampaging
Upon anything that came in her sight which just so happened to be her beloved friend zoned onii-Chan Leon Crowell a Blond ex hero who was in love with Chloe and continuously searching the entirety of the Cardinal World on a search for her... or in other words a truly Pitiful Man of epic proportions as not only was Chloe obvious to his over the top feelings but was also in love with Rimuru

Said Rimuru found a way to stop the rampant and very powerful Chronoa rampage by putting the mask of Shizu on her face sending my dying soul and Chloe's soul back in time in which she explained to me her mission to save Rimuru from death of which she has done by going back in time a countless amount of times and in saying do also explained to me that this was the best timeline she had ever seen him live in

So with this new found information we set off on a journey to return to the current timeline and to our great pleasure succeed with Rimuru having repeated his action but this time with my mentor in hand saved Chloe in her Infinite Imprisonment successfully saving both her and me from the excruciating repeating of events in which we came from

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