Bell's Beginning

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(Bell Pov)

"Get lost kid" *slam*

"beat loser" *slam*

"We have no need for weaklings like you so get lost" *slam

"Look how scrawny you look no way I'll let you join my familia" *slam*

"Sure I'll let you join my Familia as a cleaner haha" *slam*

I kept hearing those words no matter what God I asked

Those words stuck me hard, it really hurts getting rejected every single day like that

The gods called me weak or scrawny and other mean things, but I can't lose hope not ever

I promised my grandpa that I'd make it here in Orario no matter what

Tho now that I think about it I remember the exact words my grandpa said

"Go out there Bell go to Orario where all the riches and beautiful women are and go on the prowl"

That thought made me embarrassed a little but what exactly does go on the "prowl" mean I thought

But as I came pushed that thought away I remembered another set of words that made me smile a little

"Don't ever give up okay" those words replayed in my head about dozens of times already

That Blue haired goddess gave me such simple words of encouragement yet those same words kept me going

"People would laugh at me if I said it tho" I said softly with a awkward laugh

Yet what that goddess told me was irreplaceable too have someone believe in me even if it's a small thing it means a lot

"So let do my best and not let her down" I said out loud with a smile

"I can't give up that easily can I" I said with renewed determination

(3 hours and 4 rejections later)

I walked around the alley way where it was incredible dirty in search for any God that would let me into their familia

"At this point I'll do anything" I complain out loud even if I said I wouldn't let her down the stress was still there

Being rejected so many times would really put people down even if I imagine that blue hair goddess smiling at me with her warm smile golden eyes and cheerfulness it's hard not to want and give up

"Why can't I be accepted into a Familia I just want to join one" I said in a soft voice I wasn't really expecting an answer from anyone but then I heard these words

"Want to join my Familia" a voice said a high pitched voice with a softness too it that felt so refreshing when I thought about the harsh words the gods said to reject me

I slowly looked up at this girl a very short girl with two black ponytails and blue eyes and as I saw her face I was in shock

I slowly looked up at this girl a very short girl with two black ponytails and blue eyes and as I saw her face I was in shock

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