Liaris Freese

572 24 11

It's officially done, the epilogue of this story is officially over, thanks for your patience and support while reading this fanfic and let's get on to the real action of this project

Please enjoy:

(Bells POV)

"Hyaaaa" *slash*


"Hhhhhhhaaaa" *slash*

Fighting with all I got

That was all that I was doing for the rest of the day, that goblin was just a start

At first I wanted to show my Goddess that I killed a goblin but after thinking about it I decided not to because it's only one goblin

(Though at first I was scared because I remember how my grandpa saved me from a goblin back when I was younger)

"But no I can cast away those fears, after all I'm a adventurer now"

I kept fighting in the dungeon killing Goblins and Kobold with this short sword the guild gave me

The Kobolds surprised me with its dog like appearance but I slashed its neck which caused it to disappear and drop its purple crystal

All the purple crystals or magic stones where very small and very shiny but before I could grab more of them a Kobold rushed at me with its weapon swing towards me

As i saw it I tried my hardest to finish off that Kobold as more goblins charged at me swing their clubs at me

I quickly stepped back as fast as I could and as soon as I was far enough away from the goblins I swung my short sword with all of my strength and cut all four of the goblins in the stomach making them disappear into dust

As the monsters turned to dust their magic stone dropped to the floor and I picked them up and put them in a pouch

Thanks to the starting equipment Miss Eina gave me I had a place to put the the small magic stones I got

"Honestly this short sword is amazing it can cut monsters really easily but still be really light"

I said looking at the sword sword, honestly admiring it for how it help me kill those monsters before putting it back in its cover

(But honestly I already feel so much stronger than before, I think it's because of the blessing my goddess gave me)

"I wonder what my status will be when Goddess Hestia updates it, I'm so excited"

I was happy thinking about how I got my very own familia and even being able to just go into the dungeon in general

"I'm lucky" I told myself as I checked the pouch where I was keeping the magic stones I collected so far with 6 magic stones in total which I think is a lot for my first time

"I think it's good enough to go back up to the surface"

I was still a level one but I really wanted to go down deeper into the dungeon but I decided to go down tomorrow

I walked around the dungeon the dark walls leading me to the stairs where I came from and when you the stairs slowly each step making a little sound that echoed throughout the dungeon and after a few more steps a blinding light came through from the surface a light that I would soon get used to seeing

After a while my eyes adjusted to the light I saw the streets of Orario, the vendors selling apples, accessories, and small pieces of equipment to the adventurers, the adventurers who came back and forth from the dungeon, parties of them with their Familia members and party members

Closing the DistanceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora