A/N: Please don't mind this fic. It's rushed and also may have quite a few errors here and there since my English is pretty questionable at times. This is probably one of those times please forgive me 😞 I also tried combining all of my favourite tags together which went kind of wrong and weird but it's okay I tried.

"Woah! It's so nature based here. How refreshing!" Childe smiles, "no wonder you would recommend this place for a vacation. Not that I doubt your opinion, this place is Zhongli-Xiansheng approved, after all." Childe laughs. Zhongli only gave a small smile of amusement, "Only the best for you." Zhongli says. Although it was probably a playful statement, Childe thought it sounded pretty serious but shrugged it off. As the duo walked along the paths of Sumeru, Childe spotted a hoard of monsters. She paused in her tracks, to which Zhongli subconsciously paused as well, following after her. "Is something wrong?" Zhongli asked. Childe only smiled maniacally at the response before pointing to the hoard of monsters. Zhongli looked towards the direction she was pointing at and had a moment of realisation. Zhongli let out a fond sigh before nodding her head. Childe's grin widened and she wasted no time in dashing over to the enemy hoard. Zhongli stood from the sidelines fondly as she watched her hopefully soon-to-be-lover defeat the hoard effortlessly.

Childe wiped some blood off her face with a satisfied smile. "Had fun?" Zhongli asked. Childe nods her head happily. Her eyes sparked when she saw a mushroom. "Look Zhongli! A mushroom! If I recall correctly, on our way here you told me about how they act as trampolines. Is that right?" Zhongli nods and that's enough confirmation for Childe before she runs over to the mushroom and hopped on them. Before Zhongli could warn her that it may send her flying in the sky even though she has a wind glider, Childe was up in the air.

"Woo! Zhongli-Xiansheng, this is so fun! You should loosen up and bounce with me!" Childe suggests as she embraces the wind and air. Zhongli sent her an incredulous look. "Perhaps it would be wiser for me not to. What if you fall? Who would catch you?" Childe then had an idea. She smirked and Zhongli could only have a bad feeling about it. When Childe bounced up into the air again, she used her wind glider to glide herself into the direction of the ground and let go of the wind glider, causing her to fall at a rapid pace. Zhongli widened her eyes and quickly caught her. Zhongli frowned, "Childe. Do you know what would have happened had I not caught you? You would have broken several bones." Childe wrapped her arms around Zhongli's neck and giggled, "Of course I know that! However, I trust you. In fact, I knew that you would catch me!" Zhongli frowned even more, "While I am honored that you place your trust and faith in me, please do not ever attempt such acts in future. I fear that I may not always successfully catch you." Zhongli scolded lightly. Childe groaned, "okay, alright..." Childe pouted. Zhongli settled Childe on the ground again and gave her head pats. "Good girl." Zhongli praised. "W-what?" Childe dumbly blurted and went as red as her hair. "Good girl." Zhongli repeated. Childe went even more impossibly red. "Z-Zhongli! You can't just say things like that! It'll give me the wrong idea..." Childe deflates. Zhongli put a hand on her hip, "enlighten me." Childe just waved it off, "Ah- I'll explain it later on or next time..." Zhongli shot her a look of slight distrust. "If you say so. Also, I'm a little starved, Childe." Childe laughs and brings her hand to Zhongli's mouth, "drink up, you old vampire that for some reason doesn't burn in the sun." Zhongli rolls her eyes exasperatedly yet fond.

As they walked on, Childe came across hilichurl which apparently had different elements. The hydro one was a bit challenging but she wouldn't be the 11th harbinger if she couldn't defeat such a hilichurl. Suddenly out of nowhere, aranaras came running.

"Zhongli! These are the aranaras, the creatures of the forest that you told me so much about, right?" Childe asked, "they're so cute!" She said as she picked up an aranara. "Hello!" Childe waved at the aranara she was holding. The aranaras waved back just as enthusiastically. Zhongli could feel the slightest bit of jealousy pricking into her skin but dismissed it. Soon, Childe found herself sitting on a log with the aranaras with one of them on her lap as she told heroic tales with wonder. Zhongli stood near Childe before deciding to settle down behind her. She doesn't trust herself to speak at the moment. She could practically feel her jealousy pulsing through her entire being. These...damn aranaras steal her heart so easily while it took her months to fully have Childe's trust in her. It's not their fault but...the audacity. Childe doesn't realise Zhongli wrapping her arms around her neck from behind and continues on telling her tales. Zhongli then bites Childe's neck which made Childe gasped and caught off guard and quickly turned around before heaving a sigh of relief when she realised it was just Zhongli. "Zhongli, warn a pal next time before you decide to drink for me, okay? I'm glad that you're comfortable enough around me to bite me so freely but please warn me next time." Zhongli only nods before licking up the blood spilling from her neck. Delicious. Zhongli thinks. She could be drunk on this tasty blood. Zhongli snuggles her head into her neck, "apologies." Zhongli apologises. Childe lets out a light laugh and turns to pay attention to Zhongli. Zhongli subtly lights up at this and sees this as a huge win. Hah, take that aranaras. Her attention is now on Zhongli. To make sure of that, Zhongli pulls her into a hug so that Zhongli is facing the aranaras and sticks out her tongue at them and smirks smugly. Not wanting to lose to the ex archon, the aranaras go up to Childe for her attention and makes sure that Zhongli gets her hands off Childe. The whole situation made Childe's brain want to explode from confusion and eventually, she found herself soothing Zhongli and the little cute creatures of the forest.

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