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He sat there silent, not moving a muscle. He closed his eyes and thought if I ignore it and pretend like I have no clue it will go away. The smell sure didn't, something dead was in here that was for sure, Todd got up from his chair and slowly turned around... In front of him stood the corpse of his grandfather, the flesh was rotted and hanging from his face, his eye sockets were empty black holes, his favorite suit he was buried in was covered with dirt, and the smell was unbearable. Todd let out a scream and turned around and ran into the bathroom and locked the door. He turned on the sink and dumped cold water on his face, this isn't happening he told himself. It can't be real. He sat by the door and listened, waiting to hear his grandfather trying to get into the bathroom. He had no clue how long he waited but it seemed like hours, he couldn't hear anything except the sound of his heart thumping in his chest, he was shaking uncontrollably, "please make him go away, I'll take the money back I swear!" He was saying quietly over and over again to the Lord. After a while, Todd dozed off. He woke up still in the bathroom, laying in front of the door. He got up and opened it just a crack so he could peek out. There was no one there; he opened it the rest of the way and the trailer was empty. He went over to the kitchen table and all the money was still sitting where he left it. He checked his pocket and he still had the ring. Maybe I just had a nightmare he thought or just spooked myself. As the day went on he forgot all about it, he went to the store and got a case of Budweiser, then headed back home to get drunk and watch some football. When he pulled up to the house he noticed the door was open, he thought what the hell I didn't leave the door open, his grandfather didn't even cross his mind until he got to the door and saw muddy footprints going all through the house. At first, he thought someone was playing a joke on him, but no one knows he robbed his grandfather's grave. He followed the muddy prints to the kitchen table, all the money was still there. He ripped open the case and grabbed a can of beer, cracking it open and chugging it down. There was no way this was happening, he doesn't believe in ghosts. It was only eight pm, it wasn't even midnight yet. He bagged all the money up and put it under his bed in a shoebox, then he went to the living room to drink and watch football, till he passed out. He woke up to that familiar dead smell, only it was worse this time, he started gagging and throwing up on his shirt. "Fuck!" He screamed as he jumped up out of his chair. He went into the bathroom and turned on the light, then he took his shirt off and turned on the faucet, he rinsed his face and looked in the mirror, he froze in horror, in the mirror behind him was his grandfather with those empty black holes for his eyes.

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