Sorry i love you - binsung part 2

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here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart

i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)

Falling in love is easy but forgetting that person is kind of as much as hard.

No matter how much seo changbin had mustered his brain repeating he have nothing to do with han jisung, the very moment he see him shifting with a little bit of discomfort something in him just click. He don't really know what. Let's keep the thought of someone touching jisung somewhere else.

Changbin really don't know why he was there It's like his heart knew something about go down. A moment he saw jisung laughing with felix and minho the other moment he was there underneath someone, trying to get a hold of his unstable breathe. If it wasn’t for the stuffs he would have run after that person he really couldn’t care he can't he just wanted to hit that guy until he couldn’t hit anymore.

Everything got worst when he get a glimpse of jisung's figure. Guilty consume every vein of his body.

He have saw how much jisung was shaking how minho had to practically carry him. Once they were out of sight changbin lost his shit. Letting go every frustration inside him on the nearby well. Chan and their manager had a very hard time to calm him down but he is not sorry.

The way to company was one kind of hell but the meeting was more worse. He really don't get him why is he at fault here he don't care if any of this ruin his "perfect" idol image. For fuck sake the love of his life was in danger. What the hack they expected him to do? Patiently wait for the guy to finish what he was doing with jisung?if this bring hate for him he won't regret but if his group go through shit again he will go down on his knees to protect them but still wont be guilty for what he did.

Chan had to ask him to leave the room because he couldn’t control his anger. They just pissed him off. He is sitting outside and only thing he can think of jisung he need to see jisung he need to hold jisung in his arm, close to him.

He didn’t ask chan what they talk about and he don't need to know he for fucking fact know they gave chan fake eassurance of sueing the guy. They didn’t even know that fucking guy was.

When they get back home the dorm was quiet. It was a very long day for all of them other two must have gone to their dorms. He without a second thought was on his way to jisung's room. The door of the room was left ajar. A clear view of jisung's sleeping figure. He is glad jisung us getting sleep.

They have to talk tomorrow there is too much questions as some of the member were still unknow to the accident though he is sure they can atleast guess what has happened.

Changbin can't fall asleep really he need to do something about everything. He was reading some article about different lawsuits when he heard a soft sound someone's footsteps.

"Will you let me sleep with you for today please?just for today I promise"

Changbin have no words in his vocabulary to reply. Ofcourse jisung added the last line. He will never forgive himself for what he did.

Some good seconds must've passed because he heard jisung start talking well more like wishpering again "'s just...I don't– I'm sorry I will go back" his words were getting mixed and changbin really need to talk if he don't want jisung to go. "No" he almost shouted which is why jisung flinched a little bit. "I mean you can stay..let's gp to sleep" changbin said trying his best to sound as normal as possible like his heart wasn't beating as fast as lightening.

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