Chapter 08: He is my dad

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The sun casts long shadows on the ground as the two walk home together.


"Right, what was your name again?",Gyuvin ends their prolonged silence with a very questionable question. He still doesn't know Yujin's name?

"...Han Yujin", Yujin replies earning a nod from the older.

The duo goes silent again so the only sound that could be heard was the sound of their shoes touching the ground .

"...I wasn't going to ask but-", Yujin starts.

"What?", Gyuvin turns his head.

"Are you worried about me going about telling your family situation to our classmates? Is that why you're talking to me?"

"...Is that what you think", Gyuvin controls his lips from curling. The younger's face looked too serious so he was expecting something else. It just sounded a lil funny to him.

"...If that's not the case, you don't have to worry about it. Even if I saw it firsthand, I wouldn't tell anyone", Yujin defends himself looking straight ahead. He needed to clarify that he wasn't someone who liked sticking his nose in other people's business.

"...I don't think you're going to spread rumours but it's still embarrassing", Gyuvin rubs the back of his neck. His voice getting smaller as he continued.

"About what?", Yujin questions

"Being beaten up by my old man. I've never been caught by anyone", Gyuvin responds. "It's so fucking embarrassing".

"....." Yujin was hoping for Gyuvin not to say anything furthermore because everyone knows he's bad at reacting.... especially to people's emotions but whatever.

"My fucking father. He never used to hit me....but lately it's gotten worse", Gyuvin gets distracted by the view of the sun setting, he stops his walking.

"....why are you allowing yourself to get hit?", Yujin tries to be careful with his words.

"What if you raised your hand in rebellion and then can't stop?",Gyuvin smiles.

"What?", Yujin didn't follow.

Gyuvin turns his gaze to Yujin, "You might get the urge to kill someday"

"....You for real?", There was no sound of concern in his question but at least he was trying.

"No..of course it's a joke", Gyuvin laughs. "I can't beat him anyway. He's a big muscular guy running services everyday"

'Service?',Yujin thought 'We'll, he doesn't look like he works at a company or something'


They resume their walking.

"By the way, my father might look like that but I'm not a beggar", Gyuvin sounded like he was waiting for the right moment to bring it up."I left my wallet at home so I had to borrow"


" mom is rich so, don't call me a beggar.", he concludes, his ego healing a little.

Yujin pauses from hearing the older.
"...I've never called you a beggar", he nips behind Gyuvin who says nothing.

'Well okay, good for him. I didn't ask in the first place.'

Yujin keep side glancing at Gyuvin 'But why does he live with his dad if his mom's rich? He could be lying...but whatever'

"Stop side eyeing me, if you have something to say, say it".The younger jolts at the older's words and looks away.

'Hhm..', Yujin furrows his eyebrows. He drank too much at the karaoke earlier, now he needed to pee.

He tries but his legs were getting shaky.

Gyuvin notices the unusual pattern in his walking so he turns."What's up?"

"Is there a bathroom around here?", Yujin asks. He needed to release the water bad bad.


Though the younger was struggling to hold in his pee, his expression was the same, it barely changed but he was pale.

"If you're in a hurry, let's go to my house", Gyuvin suggests.

Yujin flushes the toilet bowl and opens the door leading him to the living room.
'Ah I almost died', he releases a sigh closing the door behind him. His eyes trails towards the photo frames hanging on the wall. A woman holding a baby in the first frame and next to it, a young boy posing a peace sign to the camera in the second frame 'Is that his mom? They look quite similar' .

Yujin flinches hearing Gyuvin clearing his throat.
"What are you doing?", he asks from inside his room. The house was not too big so rooms attached were just few feet apart.

"....nothing. Thanks for letting me use the bathroom", Yujin returns.

"Right... your money",Gyuvin searches for his wallet. Yujin's legs voluntarily takes him into the room.

He steps his foot in to find a small bed, a pc table and a not so fancy closet. His wandering eyes immediately takes him to the DVD shelf at the left corner of his room.

" like movies?", Yujin asks standing in front of the neatly arranged shelf, dvds placed in order of their sizes.

"..Yeah, I do", Gyuvin replies kind of taken aback not expecting Yujin to notice it. That was his prized possession btw.

"...Did you rent all of them?"

"Not all... a lot of them I picked up from a dvd rental store that went out of business"

Yujin scans the dvd covers 'Hmm.. Kim Gyuvin and movies? That's interesting....', he was yet again talking to himself ignoring Gyuvin who was watching him from behind.

Yujin places his hand on a dvd with a pastel blue cover. He takes it out from the collection.

"Huh? Do you know this movie too?", Gyuvin comes from behind. He delivered the words directly into Yujin's ears sending a slight chill down his spine. "He's my favourite director",Gyuvin's tone sounded slightly higher as he added.

The dvd cover read:

        |Title: The sound of tears
        |Screenplay: Han Yuhyeon

        |Starring: Kim Hanhae, Lee Soyou

"....your favourite?", Yujin asks still staring at the cover. His expression? Not readable.

"Yeah",Gyuvin replies ."But since this is a non commercial movie, not many people knows about it. I'm surprised you know"

"This is my first time seeing it", Yujin confesses.

"Huh? I thought you were looking at it because you knew?...",Gyuvin tilts his head. His little excitement dies not lasting for even half a minute. He goes back to counting the 20,000 notes he owes the guy from his wallet.

"The director......", Yujin speaks," my dad".

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